居住在台灣南部山區的南排灣族群後裔,深信其先人在17世紀荷蘭據台之前,早已建立具有「酋邦」王國條件的「大龜文王國」,也就是一般外人所稱的「內文社群」。本文透過荷蘭時期歷史文獻的解析,從瑯嶠、傀儡、內文、大龜文之脈絡,探討這個王國在荷蘭時期對外接觸的歷程,來驗證其存在之事實與意義。再進一步透過推論與辯證,確立「大龜文王國」的南排灣文化在台灣歷史的定位,強調其所屬村社參與「地方會議」及自行定期舉辦「五年祭」的政治與外交意涵;以及將該王國內部社群的政治社會運作、生活空間、面臨強權的處境、文化變遷、舊社遺址與重要歷史事件作更緊密連結及更貼近之檢視。最後探究1661年初荷蘭大員政府派兵征伐「大龜文王國」轄下的內獅頭社和大龜文社戰役之史實與影響,以及該次戰役對鄭成功擊潰荷蘭大員部隊之可能關聯。全文試圖從排灣族原住民的祖先生活過的歷史軌跡中,發掘出值得後世子孫同感驕傲、自豪的英勇事蹟與民族性格,以強化族群內部對身分意識的主觀認同與族群自治能力之信心。 There is a firm belief among the offspring of the Southern Paiwan Tribe that long before the Dutch colonization of Taiwan in the 17th century, there had existed a Paiwan chiefdom, the “Kingdom of Tjaquvuquvulj”, of which documents and researches have only depicted facets of existence of Lonckjouw, Kalee, Tocupul and Tjaquvuquvulj in different periods and names. This article explores and analyses the Dutch archives on the aborigines in southern Taiwan with an aim to highlight the significant political and diplomatic role of the Kingdom at that time. Special emphasis is placed on the “Landdag” and “Maleveg” and their linkage with the Kingdom’s position in Taiwan’s history, its encounter with a new foreign power and reaction to cultural change, relics of ancient villages, etc., The author also tries to articulate the two dubious incidents in early 1661 when the Dutch attacked two villages of the Kingdom, especially the mysterious decision and timing and their seemingly unnoticed impacts on the Dutch resistance against the nine-month offensive campaigns by Cheng Cheng-kung's troops between 1661 and 1662. By means of extracting essence from the historical records and researches on the Kingdom could the cultural heritages and traditional ethnic character be more positively presented and appreciated so that their descendents share the honor of their valiant ancestors and confidently build up their capability of autonomy.