香港在1997 年回歸中國,開啟了中國政治史上「一國兩制」的新里程碑。香港成為了中國政府底下的「特別行政區」。它的特別顯現於香港與中國在政治制度與權力關係之中,不論在政治、經濟、媒體、或是教育等面向,都一再地凸顯內地與香港之間的特殊與差異。 鳳凰衛視成立於香港回歸之年。短短十年間,它見證了一國兩制下中國的變遷。鳳凰衛視由一個普通頻道擴展到今天的一個衛星平台;從區域性的電視台邁向全球性的衛星電視;也從私人經營進而變成公眾上市公司,並自詡喊出要做「華語媒體世界的CNN」。到底鳳凰衛視有何魅力?它的傳媒競爭力又有哪些? 本研究途徑將透過環境、資源、能力、與知識,這四大類劃分企業競爭強弱的四種層次,來分析鳳凰衛視進入中國的傳媒競爭力。 In 1997, Hong Kong was returned to China, becoming a Special Administrative Region of the Chinese Government under the “One Country and Two Systems” framework. This event marked a new milestone in China’s political history. The S.A.R is “special” in the nature of the political apparatus and power relations between it and China. Issues pertaining to politics, economics, media, and education repeatedly serve to illustrate the difference between Chinaand Hong Kong, and the “specialness” of their relationship. Phoenix Satellite TV was established in the year of the Handover. In a span of ten years, it witnessed the dynamics of change in the “One Country and Two Systems” framework. Phoenix Satellite TV underwent the transformation from acable station to a satellite network; from a regional station to a global network; and from a privately owned company to a public corporation. It hails under the bannerof becoming the “CNN of the Chinese Media World”. How was Phoenix Satellite TV able to do this? What is its allure? Where is its competition? By examining the environment, resources, capability, and knowledge – the four indicators of corporate competitiveness – this study analyzes Phoenix Satellite TV’s media competitiveness today.