本研究探討PLWHA病痛歷程與目前現有的愛滋歧視、污名以及社會排除三者間關係,並探索受社會排除及污名化之PLWHA在此環境下所衍生而出的對應歷程。研究場域設定為台北市某感染者中途之家,透過為期十八個月參與觀察,並徵得九位住民陸續進行深度訪談後,即以持續比較分析法進行資料分析。 研究結果發現,現有HIV/AIDS污名、歧視以及社會排除的現象是PLWHA患病後影響其病痛經驗與形塑感染者自我認同的主要來源。又PLWHA自我重新建構的過程與經驗中,多是來自於內化污名與他人行使污名過程中不斷地學習與反芻所形塑而成,而感染後的生活中所經歷各種社會排除與歧視的現象,則更加強化內心的污名感並影響患病後續生活與對應行為。污名應對策略是PLWHA個人認知與所處環境互動後再次反芻的外在行為表現,其所使用避免污名策略的變化與多樣性,則會隨著個人習得經驗與所處社會團體的差異,並且依據面臨他人行使污名的時間、空間或當下的情境有所不同。 HIV/AIDS污名與社會排除是一個動態過程,亦是導致病痛經驗的主要來源及展現。兩者皆是造成個人陷入感染風險的主要原因之一,更會影響PLWHA因患病而衍生出來的應對策略。 This study amis to investigate how stigma of HIV/AIDS and social exclusion impact on the PLWHA’s illness experiences and their coping strategies. Qualitative research methodology has been conducted in a homeless shelter of PLWHA in Taipei. During eighteen months studying, 13 inhabitants were interviewed in depth. Interview texts were analyzed with the constant comparative method. The results reveal that stigma of HIV/AIDS and social exclusion are the important sources which shape the illness experiences and self-identity of PLWHA. The strategies that PLWHA used to cope with the impacts of stigma will change with personal learning experiences and the variety of moments, places and situations of stigmatization. The social exclusion and stigma of HIV/AIDS, that impact on PLWHA is a dynamic process. The process makes people involve high risk behavior and also enact coping strategies. In another words, the illness course can be seen as the re-present of the HIV/AIDS stigma and social exclusion which have deep influence on PLWHA.