本論文係以臺灣製腦群體為研究對象,並針對臺灣樟腦業的區域型態與內部空間進行空間型態與功能的細究。在論述層次上,本論文首要概述樟腦業的生產組織與結構的變化過程,進行階段性的瞭解,再依據其地理位置之環境特性,展開以製腦群體的生活本能與生產條件為基礎的空間特性說明,進而瞭解製腦群體於生產需求中的腦寮結構及空間運用情形,復依此脈絡,再審視隱含於製腦區位內各空間所蘊含之功能作用及其意涵。即透過製腦群體落實於土地空間上之擇地環境、居住狀態與空間機能等真實生活經驗的探察結果,從中建構臺灣樟腦產業與空間之互動歷程及切合經驗現象的研究論述。 在業務體系影響下,製腦組織均集中散佈於同一原料地之範圍內而伐樟地呈現分散的狀態,各腦寮間亦以不同的距離分散於林區各處,故形成一處具組織性的伐樟製腦圈。而腦寮內部空間則在樟腦業的政策、交通系統、製腦設備及經營方式的轉變之下,由生產與生活併具的內部空間機能,逐步轉變至兼具經營、銷售、娛樂功能的觀光活動空間。 The subject for this study was to focus on the camphor industry in Taiwan. In addition, I would illustrate more detail about the distribution of the Camphor's Manufacture and the position of the inner working space in this study. In order to obtain the comprehensive understanding about this subject,there are several processes to discipline this study. First of all, I would illustrate the overall productive organization and the process of the camphor industry. Moreover, according to the different geography environment in the camphor industry, I would discipline the camphor workers' life style and working environment in order to understand not only the workers' demand for producing the camphor but also the present status of the camphor's production process. Furthermore, I would analysis the function of each camphor's production space base on the information above to understand the internal meaning of each space. According to the information above and my observation in camphor's industry, I would develop the study which focus on the relationship between the camphor's industry and the industry's space. In the camphor industry's system, most of the camphor's factories were gathered in the same region but reclaimed the camphor toward separate way with different distant. Therefore, this kind of business style created an organizational range for this industry. In addition, the camphor factory will gradually transfer to the tourism space instead of just a place for producing camphor by the camphor's industry police and different manage style.