本文主要目的在於了解處於雙重文化體系下的台裔女性,對於妻母角色扮演及自我主體性,其認知模式與因應對策,如何產生互動。文獻探討部分主要以下列架構之鋪陳,來探究移居美國之台灣女性高級知識份子,於異國所實踐之母職倫理與教養態度,在融合於主流文化的過程中,所具有的文化與性別意函。首先,了解台灣已婚女性知識份子的家庭與事業觀,及其在台灣成長之社會化的過程中,建構了怎樣的母職概念 ? 其次,進一步探究,台裔移民在美國之新生活,所產生「邊緣化」的適應心態為何。最後,企圖了解,當「台灣之母職建構」遇上「邊緣文化情境」時,受訪者是否能在文化夾縫中,尋求其女性自我?本文透過深入訪談,除了與文獻探討相互對照、呼應外,更企圖能回答以下問題 : (1)當原生文化所建構的母職觀,遇上邊緣化地位的生活時,移民女性所選擇的因應之道,在性別角色與邊緣文化之雙重邊緣化的不利地位之下,是否可能因其所受之高等教育而有所改善?(2) 因移民所產生之雙重文化衝擊下的重新思考,台裔移民女性是否能擺脫原有社會對於母職意識型態所建構的包袱? (3) 台裔移民女性對於下一代在跨文化社會的教育方式與教養態度,對於邊緣化地位的改變,是否可能產生助益? This thesis is concerned about how well-educated Taiwanese American women practice their motherhood in America, and discuss the cultural meanings and gender role behind the way they hold their parenting attitude after they immigrant to America. First of all, review relative literature about Taiwanese women's view on the dilemma between taking care their family and developing their own career life. Try to figure out what kind of their concept about "being mother". Secondly, understand how Taiwanese immigrants deal with their marginal status in a new environment and how they value this process. Finally, try to figure out when these well-educated Taiwanese women with the native cultural concept of motherhood fit themselves into the different country, how they find their female-self under double cultural and gender marginal status. Therefore, the thesis use in-depth interviews and try to answer the following questions : (1) When the interviewees take the concept of motherhood from native culture to fit into the new environment, are they able to make a better choice to overcome the double marginal status by their well-educated background ? (2) With self-reflection by dual cultural shock, are Taiwanese women able to release the constrain from the concept constructed by the native culture ? (3) Will it be helpful for Taiwanese women to take care of their American born children ? Can they overcome the marginal status in the host country by these parenting attitudes?