宗教信仰是影響人類行為發展的重要社會機制,對於青少年而言,正面臨生理與心理急遽發展的時期,加上對自我及周遭環境的探索,所以對於精神上的支持需要愈大,由於不斷對內在心靈世界加以探索,使宗教成為填補青少年在這段混沌意識時期的要素,所以宗教信仰對於青少年行為發展的影響扮演極其重要的角色。 宗教信仰因素對於青少年行為的影響,衡諸國內當前的研究現況,缺乏系統性的量化研究,因此本研究以青少年犯罪學的理論為基礎,結合宗教研究的觀點,對於防治青少年偏差行為,提出有系統性的宗教因素模型檢證。 為達到上述的目的,本研究遂利用自陳問卷訪問方法調查台中縣(市),五所國中及五所高中(職)學校日間部學生,共計抽得1256個有效樣本。統計方法採用巢式多元迴歸分析模型,主要的研究發現為:一、在迴歸分析中,控制青少年信仰不同宗教變項後(以無宗教信仰者為參照團體),發現青少年信仰道教其反偏差行為信念較強,偏差行為較低;青少年信仰佛教其偏差行為較低;青少年信仰基督教其反偏差行為信念較強。二、在巢式迴歸模型分析策略中,對宗教社會控制因素、宗教舒緩功能、宗教學習功能、個人屬性特質、性別進行探討後,發現青少年宗教態度愈正向其反偏差行為信念也愈強,偏差行為也愈低;青少年宗教活動參與愈多其偏差行為也愈多;青少年宗教抱負愈高其反偏差行信念也愈強。青少年宗教理想愈高其偏差行為也愈低。青少年愈相信宗教具有消除緊張的功能,其反偏差行信念愈弱,而且偏差行為也愈高。 Religion was an important social mechanism. For adolescence, while facing physiology and psychology’s rapid development and exploratory environment, they deeply relied on the spirit support in this chaotic period. Therefore, the religion played a significant role for the development of adolescent behavior. Because of few systematic and quantitative researches of religious effect on adolescent behavior in Taiwan, a religious model was presented in this paper in order to find out what religious variables could limit the occurrence of adolescent delinquency. In addition, this study developed varied religious variables based on criminological and religious theories. The study used the technique of self-report questionnaire survey to collect data that included students from five junior high schools and five senior high schools in Taichung. There were 1,256 students who completely filled the questionnaires. The nested regression model was employed to test effects of religious variables on adolescent delinquency. The model consisted of the social control function of religion, releasing anxiety of religious function, learning function of religion, as well as individual characteristics. The findings of this paper included: (1) Young Taoists, Buddhists, and Christian were less likely to commit delinquency. Young Taoists were also more likely to have strong beliefs of anti-deviant behavior. (2) Adolescents who had strong religious attitudes were less likely to engage in delinquency and have high beliefs of anti-deviant behavior. (3) Participation of religious activities had a positive relation with the occurrence of adolescent delinquency. (4) Adolescents who had low religious commitment were more likely to engage in deviant behavior. (5) Adolescents who had high religious ideal were less likely to commit delinquency. (6) Finally, the results showed that the releasing anxiety of religious function had a positive relation with engaging in delinquency and a negative relation with beliefs of anti-deviant behavior.