根據馬斯洛(Maslow)的說法,生存、安全、社會認同、尊嚴、自我實現五者為人類和需求;就展示的觀點而言,人類在每個需求層次中,人人都有自發的或自然呈現的溝通(communication)本能與方式;藝術的價值與功能在於美化人生、教育人生,以情感潛移默化,寓教於樂,藝術中書法之美不容置疑,就書法之表現形式中有其筆法之美、章法之美、字形之美,當然要展現其美感,書法創作者必得將其表達之作品藉由媒介之內,達感情移入之境界。 書法展示是一種書家創作者與欣賞者之間之溝通行為,藉由書法展示達其欣賞並淨化人心、培養人類氣質之目的。 本文旨在研究如何籌辦策劃一個可令人賞心悅目的書法作品展示,藉由對書法之美之理論文獻探討,問卷調查了解欣賞與書法創作者對書法展示之不同需求,主客觀環境因素之影響,政府社教單位之立場,來策劃書法作品之展覽與執行,達其審美與教育之目的。 研究結果顯示書法藝術等同於其他藝術之美,策展有其必要性與必然性,本文在此以模擬策展之方法研究其展示之模式與有效之展示程序,並配合文化行政部門策劃展示準則,提供讀者參考。 According to Maslow’s hierarchical theory, the human needs are physiological, safety, belongingness, esteem and self-actualization needs. From the view point of display, human being has the natural ability of communication in every level of needs; the value and the function of art is to educate, entertain and beautify our life. The calligraphy and the painting are top among Chinese eight art categories, therefore, the beauty of Chinese calligraphy are without doubt. To demonstrate the aesthetical value, the calligraphists should present feelings via their works. This study is aimed to explore how to program a delighted calligraphy exhibition. By means of literature survey and questionnaire survey to investigate the objective and subject factors from different viewpoints, such as administrative policy, social environment, and organizer. The result shows that the artistic value of calligraphy is equal to others, and a well-considerate plan is most necessary. This study simulates the actual exhibition planning process, and evaluates the availability of different planning approaches. Hopefully, the outcome will provide some useful principles and guidelines for future calligraphy exhibition planners and designer.