本研究主要探討婦女就業狀態、母子互動關係與青少年偏差行為的關係為何?而青少年偏差行為之成因非單一因素所能解釋;若簡單分個體、家庭、學校、社會四層面來探究「青少年偏差行為」。那麼家庭此一初級團體應是須先省思與探究之處。又在家庭關係中親子互動關係是一主軸,在中國的文化傳承裡,親子關係中母親常承擔了教育子女重責大任,因此母子互動可視為親子互動關係中最重要一環。因此本研究針對母親與子女之間的互動狀況予以深入探討。到底母親就業對子女的影響為何?是否因母親就業而導致青少年偏差行為?本研究之婦女就業狀態:指有、無就業以及職業類別、工作理由、工作時間等向度來思考其對青少年之影響。其中母子互動關係為其重要影響因素.因此也深入探究其中的關係為何?經理論與文獻探討後,本研究之母子互動關係指:子女覺得母親對子女的監督與管教方式,以及身體互動頻率與心理感情交流、依附關係之緊密度。此親子關係是否因母親就業狀態之不同而有所著差異,甚至導致子女偏差行為?!因此試圖釐清三者間的關係,是本研究最主要的目的。 在研究設計上,本研究以量化研究方式,除採青少年自陳量表外,並蒐集母親的問卷資料,整合分析母子互動關係對青少年偏差行為之影響。處理資料以多項迴歸分析及巢式迴歸分析技術進行統計分析工作。研究結果發現:母親就業與否對青少年偏差行為之影響並無統計上顯著差異;而就業母親對青少年偏差行為之影響在於:母親工作理由、母親工作時間固定否、是否是白天工作以及母子互動關係中心理疏離式互動因素以及家規要求等因素為最顯著影響因素。 The purpose of the study is to discuss the relation among working mother, mother-child interaction, and Juvenile delinquency. The causes of juvenile delinquency are complex. They can be simply divided into four parts : individual background factors, family factors, school factors, and community factors. Among these causes , the family factors are important and may influence juvenile delinquency significantly. So we’d better think about juvenile delinquency in light of family factors. The interaction between parents and children is the principal relation of family. In Chinese culture, mother plays an important role in family relations; therefore, mother-child interaction can be viewed as the most important part in family relations. We ask the following questions in the study : How does mother’s employment status affect the behavior of her children? Dose the employment status of a mother result in the change of the juvenile deviant behavior? In this quantitative study, two versions of self-report questionnaires were respectively distributed to the students and their mothers to collect the data about students’ behavior and mothers’ employment status. By comparing these data, we analyses the effect of mother-child interaction on juvenile delinquency. This study used the method of self-report questionnaire survey. Six junior high schools in Yunlin and Chiayi were selected . Methods of nested regression model analysis and multiple regression analysis were used. The results of analysis show that the relation between whether mother is employed and the occurrence of juvenile delinquency is not statistically significant. However, the reasons of mother’s employment and her working time do have significant effects on juvenile delinquency. Other important factors that cause juvenile delinquency are alienation in mother-child interaction and family regulations enforced.