摘要: | 在臺灣對於喪禮之學術研究踵繼開展。本文以臺灣民間固有之宗教信仰、習俗而舉行之喪葬儀節為範疇,期藉結構與社會功能之分析,探討其中之文化意義。在論證方法上,以「俗民方法論」與「歷史文獻及田野分析法」兼具使用,就文獻史料、歷代習俗,進行分析與論述。從文化源流與社會運作等方面,分析檢視其適應機制。 本研究全文共分五章:首章緒論;說明本論文之研究動機、目的、方法及範圍。第二章論述臺灣民間喪禮之文化作用;自生理、社會、教育、文化、心理學觀點,探討其意義,並作傳統功能論與詮釋學之論述。第三章臺灣民間喪禮之形式與功能,藉形式與承繼,了解其象徵意涵,並探究其功能。第四章臺灣民間喪禮儀式之社會教育功能;自價值觀、倫理觀、社會觀、文化觀,闡揚社會教育之功能與歷史傳承之精義所在。第五章喪禮儀式推展之理想與願景;旨藉理性之導引、教育與思惟之惕厲、重整,瞭解生命之賡續性,俾建立一個整全、正確而真摯之生死觀。 對臺灣民間喪禮之研究,其目的指向提昇人類之道德規準和倫常層次,為工具理性高漲之多元社會,其心靈之昇華及精神之教育,形塑一良好之典範、建立一祥和之社會,斯為筆者作此研究之終極目的。若能正視死亡課題、一窺堂奧,參酌配套與協調之機制,不斷融合、修正,將有助於推動更具現代化之殯葬活動。 In Taiwan, there are more academic researches on folklore funerals, because they are more gradually taken into account. The aim of this study is by means of structural and functional analyses to investigate the folklore culture about funerals, and more, to get some specific implications from various Taiwan folk-ways. In this way, these mainly religious belief and folk-customs were taken into considerations as de-limitations to proceed the study. Both ethnographical research and historical analysis were simultaneously used to deal with the processing argument in this study. This thesis was divided into five chapters. An introduction of the study was provided for forming the content in the first chapter. In the second chapter, a discussion which laid stress on the cultural function and viewed key-points from psychological, social, educational, and cultural perspectives on the folklore funerals was suggested. Both conventional functionalism and hermeneutic methodology were used in this chapter. To discuss the forms and functions of the folklore funerals so as to understand the intrinsic meaning of the folklore funerals became the main purpose in the third chapter. From the viewpoints of cultural habits, the folklore funerals were discussed about their heritable forms. In the forth chapter, the sociological function of the folklore funerals was asserted, and more topics, including value, ethics, socialization, and culture were talked about. In the last chapter, some important suggestions for improving the folklore funerals were proposed, including rationally improving funeral rituals and promoting personnel quality in this field. Besides, to establish a whole, correct, and honest life-perspective becomes an important task for everyone in the present time. To sublimate mankind mind as well as to construct a peaceful society in this instrumental society is the most vision and intention for me to finish this study. Because to hold the funeral ritual in esteem was a good virtue, because it can realize the perpetual value of life, maintain an everlasting continuity of human spirit and promote a modernized funeral ritual. |