網際網路的興起,帶動全球以至於台灣的網路風潮,全球資訊網(WWW)基於其超媒體特性,成為企業投入網路行銷時應用的重要工具。WWW行銷策略之相關研究方面,以台灣網路環境或企業為對象者,或針對特定產業、特定產品,或利用個案分析方式進行探討。然而,處於國內網路環境逐漸蓬勃、競爭日益之際,簡便的網路行銷策略參考準則,或可成為企業掌握策略方向、獲取商機的捷徑。於國內首度出現具公信力的網站流量調查之際,本研究以網站型態與行銷組合兩大構面,針對國內高流量企業網站,以內容分析法進行研究,研究目的有三:(一)瞭解國內商業性與非商業性網站的網路行銷策略應用概況;(二)探討國內商業性網站間,在網路行銷策略的呈現,是否會因網站型態的不同而有差異;(三)探討國內商業性網站與非商業性網站間,在網路行銷策略的呈現,是否會因網站型態的不同而有差異。我們試圖藉研究結果,提供國內企業建置網站之參考。 研究結果發現,國內高流量網站所提供的服務型態,以資訊型比例較高;企業網站的主要功能仍在於資訊提供;線上交易相關功能的應用仍待成長;網站呈現的功能會因網站型態而有差異。 The web is hypertext medium. The interactive capacity of hypertext has become an important tool of advertisers to apply the marketing strategy. The strategies of internet marketing have been studied by many researchers. However, some have argued that principles of internet marketing do not show the general rules of developing web marketing. We use the content analysis to evaluate the high-flow websites in Taiwan based on the types of websites and marketing mix variables. The purposes of this paper are: (1) understanding the current applications of internet marketing on business websites and non-business websites; (2) investigating the differences of web marketing among business websites; (3) investigating the differences of web marketing between business and non-business websites. The findings in this paper can be concluded as followings. High proportion of high-flow websites is “Information. Type”. The major function in business websites is information provided, the online transactions are not popular. The types of websites do affect the marketing mix variables selected.