企業資源規劃(Enterprise Resource Planning,以下簡稱ERP)乃是藉由資訊系統整合組織各部門的工作流程,再透過即時處理及資料整合,使組織內各部門得以在授權範圍內迅速獲取組織的各種相關資訊,令組織的資源運用更有效率,並能即時的反應組織內部資源使用狀況, 提供組織作為決策的參考,藉以保持或提昇整體的競爭優勢。 本研究藉由瞭解ERP的特性及相關文獻的探討,評估現有財產管理系統套裝軟體及數所大專院校財產管理制度的作法,整理出將ERP的理念導入大專學校財產管理資訊系統的最佳模式來從事系統分析及系統設計,其後從組織、制度及流程的變動,以及教育訓練、上線程序等進行系統實施的規劃。最後再由整體成本、時效、經營管理及使用者等的觀點,探討ERP導入財產管理資訊系統所帶來的效益,希望促使資源真正達到共享、資料重複利用,提昇學校行政及決策效率,並希望能藉由財產管理資訊系統的開發,將發展的經驗擴展到校務行政電腦化的其它領域,達到符合ERP精神的整合性校務行政管理資訊系統。 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is to organize the working process of each department by using information system. The prompt handling and integrating upon information helps to make the usage of information become more efficient. Besides, the effectiveness of information used inside the organization could be realized at once by providing the management the capacity to make precise decision. Moreover, it helps to maintain and promote the competitive advantage as whole. This study evaluates some popular computerized enterprise property management information systems as well as several college property management systems by extracting the characteristics of ERP and exploring related references. The idea of this study is to adopt the advantages of ERP into the college property management system. Therefore how to implement the realizable system based on changes of the college operations that mainly composed by educational training programs becomes the most important task of this study. Focus on the benefits of ERP, this system is then constructed by taking into account cost, efficiency, operating performance and so on. The implementation of this system could improve the sharing of college resources and then promote the efficiency of administration and decision making process of college management. Finally, the successful experience of this property management information system could be expanded to the integrated college management information system with the spirit of ERP.