在知識經濟崛起的時代裡,知識成為組織競爭生存與發展的重要力量,然而知識的呈現卻以外顯和內隱的方式,在人們、組織的週遭之間流動著,因此,如何有效的掌握並管理知識,成為許多企業、組織關注的課題,其方法與目標亦隨組織特性而有所不同。無論是追求創新或是著重於知識的學習、分享,善用資訊科技可以有效率的幫助組織知識管理,但若僅有資訊系統而未配合整體的管理措施,則仍然難以達成管理知識的目標與效果。 本研究依循當今許多學者與組織對知識管理不同的見解及方法,期望藉由完善的策略規劃與程序方法,提供空軍維修組織一套知識管理的實踐模式,使其具備重要管理措施之新思維予以整合促動知識管理,並且根據組織實際運作之需求,搭配一套能夠精鍊、萃取及散播知識的資訊科技與網路系統,促使當前現行的資訊系統轉換成知識系統,使組織的知識得以有效保存、傳承、分享並且強化個人知能的發展,落實各軍紀要求以及飛機裝備之維修訓練和品質,最後有效達成空軍各項戰、演、訓的任務。 In the century of the knowledge economy, ”knowledge” has become the most important power to survival and to develop for the wide organizations. However, it has existed in tacit and explicit ways among people and organizations. Therefore, the useful approach to manage knowledge in an organization should be an interesting topic as well as for increasing profits. Proper use of information technology (IT) could be the vehicle to assist organizations managing their knowledge to achieve the purpose of creativity, knowledge learning, and sharing, and as if it also applied to an integrated management approach. According to the different views of “Knowledge Management (KM)” professionals, case studies have shown implementation varies from enterprise to enterprise. This thesis is trying to look for an integrated method of KM with strategic planning and procedures for The Chinese Air force maintenance organizations. These include many managing measures to activate K.M and suggests using an advanced information system and network to help knowledge be refined, extracted and spread out for all people to know, and to get an effect of preserving, heritage, past information for sharing knowledge around people and organizations, and finally to enable individuals to improve skills and to achieve the organizational goal by one’s knowledge promotion.