本研究旨在調查學校行政職員對學校改制的意見與工作回應態度,並分析其影響因素及可能的抗拒原因,進而提出具體的變革管理輔導策略,俾供準備改制之學校的人事管理參考。 從我國教育改革背景中,因學校組織受到莫大的衝擊,無形中校園組織型態亦隨之改變。職業學校或大專院校為了配合教育部的教育改革制度,及尊重技職教育的目標必須兼顧社會的需要及個人生涯發展的需求,學校正處於各項制度轉型的階段,如同企業為了有生存競爭條件,紛紛地改變經營方向做組織變革。然而企業組織的變革為了利潤使然非如此不可,而學校組織的變革卻是為了教育環境被動式強迫要變革。 人力是組織中最為重要的資產,學校單位並不能一昧只求組織成員的工作成效,配合政策協助學校共度難關,應該更必須了解到成員的需求及生涯規劃做好變革管理。而行政職員是否有公務人員的工作心態,認為在學校工作是鐵飯碗的工作,依然是有我行我素的工作態度,可以不用理會學校會有何種變革或是自己早有變革的認知,準備好調適心理以準備隨時配合組織的變革。本研究發現行政職員對於學校組織變革給予高度支持及接受變革所帶來的效益。行政職員認為在學校工作能得到的工作穩定及社會評價較高,對於學校組織承諾有正面效應關係。 This research mainly focuses on the reactions and opinions originated/derived from the administrative personnel about the issue of the school reorganization. Through analyzing the factors and the causes of possible resistances, a more concrete reformation stratagem thus is available to personnel departments that are ready to make a change for further considerations. In accord with the educational reformation system and to show the respect on the targets of vocational education, both in social and personal career need, schools are standing on the turning point to deal with varieties of systematic reformations. This (step) is exactly the same as the reformation nowadays evoked in enterprise organizations for the survival need and thus will change their methodology of management as a means of competition. Nevertheless, while the advantages (of an enterprise) turn to be the key factor to an overall revolution in a company, the reformations of school organization are caused by the pressure comes from the whole change of education environment and are forced to make a totally change passively. The human resource is the most important property in an organization. The school system can’t only rely on the efficiencies of the members and their co-operations with the school policy to get through this change in a single way. Instead, the supervisors of a school must realize the need of their members and their career plans for this reform management. Furthermore, we should discuss the situation whether the administrative staffs change their working attitude or not—Do they still have the same kinds of responds to their jobs or do they look out for a totally new working attitude?