維高斯基在其短暫的生命(享年三十八歲)中,以馬克思的社會文化觀點為基礎融入了俄國形式主義語言學的觀點對於心靈進行研究,將以往對於心靈的研究──從個人行為中討論社會行為的模式,反轉為從社會行為中研究個人行為的本體發生論模式,因此維高斯的心理學又稱為馬克思心理學。維高斯基對於心靈的研究,不但對當時心理學界的研究取向──反射心理學、完形心理學以及皮亞傑的認知心理學進行深入討論,並提出各理論的其不足處,對當時的心理學產生巨大的衝擊。 在本體發生論的研究取向中,維高斯基將人類心靈發展以兩種不同的發展線──自然的心智發展線以及社會的心智發展線,論證人與動物之間心智發展的區別在於社會的心智發展線的有無。此外,維高斯基運用馬克思「勞動材料」為改造自然的中介的觀點,將言說比喻為心靈轉化的中介,強調言說對於心靈發展的重要性,藉此對於皮亞傑的言說觀點對進行討論。藉由言說的中介觀,論證了心靈發展來自於社會再進入個體中,並反轉了皮亞傑對於心靈發展的看法──心靈發展的動力來自個體內在的發展結構以及言說只是發展的表徵並無特殊功能的觀點。 馬克思心理學,以辯證式的論述方式將心理學的研究取向由個體擴大到社會之中,引發了之後學者對於個體發展與社會之間的探討,成為了心理學中社會研究取向的先驅。在深入探討馬克思心理學後,筆者在文未試圖討論馬克思心理學中所強調的社會文化與馬克思所強調的社會文化之間的差異,以及馬克思心理學的限制。 Vygotsky’s account of the mediation of higher mental process is different from other psychologists such as Piaget. Vygotsky’s theory extended the view of Marx and Engels’ sociocultural history and dialectics to create his own “Marxist psychology”. Besides Marx and Engels’ points, some ideas of Vygotsky’s comes from formalism, reflexology(stimulus and response), and Gestalt Psychology. In Vygotsky’s genetic approach, he saw human development involving “natural” and “social” line of development. And the difference between human beings and animals is that human beings have the social development. Although Vygotsky mentioned two lines of development, his study focused on social line. Vygotsky’s explanation of social development rest on the mediational means—speech. People use speech to change mind such as Marx’s point---people use tools to change nature. This explanation of speech reverses Piaget’s –language is nothing but the symbol of human development. Vyogtsky’s study bring the approach of Psychology from the individual to the social. His study open the discussion of the relationship between mind development and society. Although the source of Marxist psychology comes from Marxist —mediational and socioucltural history, there are difference between them. The thesis is a try to touch Marxist psychology and point out the rich meanings behind.