第三人效果研究,是傳播研究領域上一個新興的研究方向。本研究以同性戀新聞作為研究題材,以別於目前本土實驗研究上,大多以政治傳播或民意調查相關研究方向。 本研究以高中職學生作為受試者,依所閱讀的新聞內容傾向的不同,進行問卷施測。在研究假設中,設定受試者個人特質、對同性戀的涉入程度、所閱讀的新聞傾向會影響到第三人效果的產生。研究中設定「第三人」為同班同學、社會一般大眾及國中生等。 經實證分析,發現當高中職學生接觸負面傾向報導內容所產生之第三人效果,大於接觸正面傾向報導內容,但接觸負面傾向報導內容的高中職學生,其第一人效果與第三人效果的差距不一定會大於接觸正面傾向報導內容者。在本研究中高中職學生對同性戀的支持程度與第三人效果並無明顯相關。且接觸同性戀新聞時,高中職學生評估國中生會受影響的程度,大多數的高中職學生者覺得國中生不一定會被影響,但也有人認為國中生被影響的程度會比自己來得大;最後,本研究中,社會距離與第三人效果的相關性,第三人效果是否可做為支持同性戀資訊公平性的預測變項,都無法被完全的證實。 The study of the third-person effect is new in the domain of communication science. This is an experimental and the subject to use the homosexual reportage. It’s different with others, because many studies of the third-person effect are in political communication or the survey of popular opinions. The participants in the experimental are the senior high school students in Cha-Yi and they read the reportages before they write the questionnaire. The experimental design to evaluate the effect of different type on different type of reportage, population characteristic and the involvement about homosexual. In the experimental the third-person means the classmate, people in the society and the junior high school student. We found that the support of senior high school students is unimportant with the third-person effect. It’s not to prove that the connection of the social distance and the third-person effect. And the third-person effect is not to be the predictive variable of the support about homosexual.