在變化快速且競爭激烈的電訊產業環境中,由於產業技術進步太快、人員流動率高,造成技術經驗累積不易,在面對客戶高品質服務的要求,組織如何透過學習的過程,將知識有效的累績與保存,是目前所必須面對的。而根本的解決之道就是組織必須不斷的學習。在過去二十年,網路通訊的發展上,從語音網路移轉到數據通訊網路,但在技術進步快速情況下,技術人員如何透過組織學習快速累積專業能力,形成核心能力來提升技術部門組織績效,是本研究的重要動機。 本研究以問卷的方式來收集資料,經資料分析獲得以下結論及建議:一、由於電訊業機房技術人員分散各地,公司若能建立完善的知識管理系統,則機房技術人員透過組織學習,累積經驗與技術。二、對電訊業機房技術人員而言,其核心能力主要表現在專業知識與技術上,若機房技術人員在與客戶接觸及應對給予適當的訓練,更能提供客戶附加價值,為公司建立客戶心目中專業形象。三、經常針對某一專題或某項技術,徵求這方面相關的同仁擔任講師,將自己所經歷的工作經驗分享給其他的人員,建立組織學習的風氣。四、針對專業核心技術,整合組織內的人才,組成實務社群。 It’s getting more and more competitive in telecommunication industry, currently. Due to the rapid improvement in technology and high turnover in staff, it is very difficult to gain and accumulate related experiences. The key problem is how to obtain and increase technical knowledge through organizational learning in order to meet the high-quality requirements of customers. In the past twenty years, the development of telecommunication has been changed from Voice Network to Digital network. However, the technical staffs have to acquire professional knowledge as their core competencies through organizational learning in order to enhance the organization performance. This is the main point for my research. All the information I collect for this research is based on questionnaires and I draw the conclusions and suggestions as below:1. Due to the telecommunication technicians are spread in different places, it’s crucial for company to establish completed knowledge-managing system. This is a good way for technicians to learn and accumulate their experiences. 2. The core competencies of telecommunication technicians are their professionalism. Once the technicians are trained very well , the added value of service to customers will be enhanced. 3. To set up a learning & discussion group in company and share all related working experiences with other staffs. 4. Concerning core competency, integrating all professionals into practical groups.