目前國內外大專院校都在積極發展具有自己學校特色的網路大學,將適合於網路教學環境的課程建置到網路教學系統平台上,讓教學活動 可以不受時間與空間的限制,擴大知識傳授的普及與便利。網路大學是以傳授知識為目標的教學平台,藉由科技化的知識管理技術而達到知識傳授的目的,讓處於不同空間與時間的學習者,可以克服知識傳遞的障礙而達到學習的效果,進而獲得知識的累積與創新思考的啟發。由於網際網路的迅速興起與普及,加上多媒體技術的發展,使得網路教學成為最主要的一種遠距教學方式。本研究探討國內網路大學的教學網站,主要目的在於提出一個網路大學的組織系統與功能架構。本研究首先利用個案分析來瞭解國內教學網站之經營模式與組織架構,作為分析網路教學系統功能之依據,並以內容分析歸納出教學網站之基本功能架構,進而利用問卷調查,針對所提出之功能架構,由專家以問卷的方式,依功能項目之重要性為準則,進行評比,依據專家評估結果歸納網路教學系統之功能需求。最後,本研究提出網路大學之組織系統與功能架構,期能提供一個前瞻性的構思,作為規劃建置的重要參考。 Presently, domestic or foreign universities are endeavoring in the development of cyber universities with their special features of courses and programs. Consequently, the teaching activities can be carried out without the limits of time and space. Thus enlarged the extents and convenience for the knowledge dissemination. Cyber university is another platform used for the university knowledge dissemination purposes. It is established by information technology and allows the students’ access from different time and space to conquer the hinder of knowledge spread. Thus students can easily achieve the goals of learning and increase their knowledge as well as enlighten their mind of new ideas. Nowadays, due to the rapid rise and popularity of web, and the development of multi-media, cyber teaching has become the main distance education, this research aims at investigating of the teaching web sites of domestic cyber universities, drawing out the organization and function of cyber universities. Firstly, individual analysis is used to understand the management and organization of domestic teaching web sties. Results of which is used as the basis for analysis of the function of web teaching system. Secondly, we analyze the contents and sum up the basic function structure of the teaching web sites. And we also use paper investigation to study the function structure. Important elements concluded will be evaluated by experts. The function requirement of web teaching systems will be also included in this evaluation process. Finally, we draw out the organization and function formation of a cyber university, with an expectation that it will be taken as an important guide of foresighted ideas and a reference of planning and construction of the cyber universities as well.