國際情勢的變遷改變了英國在對外關係上的利益,也改變了英國在世界政治版圖上的角色。全球化時代使國家間的「相互依賴」更加緊密 ,區域內的結合與國家間的合作成為必然之趨勢,因此英國對外政策的調整是必須的。英國首相布萊爾棄守邱吉爾時期「與歐洲同在,但不屬於歐洲」的理念,表示英國應該走入歐洲之心。他親歐的作風使許多人將新工黨的執政視為英國與歐盟關係的轉戾點。經濟整合的歐洲已經具有躋身世界強權的潛力,因此成為歐盟領導者的一員,才能提升英國的價值,並獲得美國的注意力。在布萊爾運籌帷幄之下,歐盟各國間產生微妙的變化,尤其是法德軸心不再堅不可摧,使得英國在歐盟中得到許多發揮的空間。為了真正與德法分享歐盟的領導權,加入單一貨幣必是布萊爾政府未來對歐政策中最重要的一個部分。在與美國的互動上,布萊爾以其成熟的外交歷練,積極修復英美特殊關係,期望英國在大西洋兩岸間能扮演橋樑的角色。 The transition of international politics not only changed Britain’s interest in external relations, but also influenced Britain’s international Role in the world. Globalization has made interdependence among countries more intensive; regional integration and international cooperation have also become an inevitable trend, thus Britain does need to review the foreign policy and make certain changes. Tony Blair, the British prime minister, decided to abandon Churchill’s idea “with Europe, but not of it”; he even believes that Britain should be in the “heart of Europe”. His pro-Europe attitude makes people view New Labour Government as watershed of Anglo-Europe Relationship. The economic integrated EU already possesses the potential to become a super power; hence being one of the leaders in EU would be a chance for Britain to raise her value, and to gain America’s attention. Under Blair’s endeavors, the interaction among Britain, Germany and France has been improved. Franco-German axis is not that invulnerable as it was in the 50’s to 80’s, accordingly there is more flexibility for Britain to act in EU. In order to share more leadership with Germany and France, to join EMU will be the next big plan for new Labour Government. As to the relationship with America, Blair is keen to fix the “special relationship”. His ideal role for Britain in Transatlantic area is a bridge, a coordinator between Europe and America.