近來資訊網路的快速發展,對於人們的生活產生重大的影響,尤其是諸多網路的誤用,網路犯罪、網路詐欺、網路性愛等;其中網路成癮的傷害更是層出不窮,在台灣年齡更有向下延伸的趨勢,本研究便針對以往較少觸及的國民小學高年的部份進行調查研究,以便瞭解國中小學學童網路偏差行為的情形。 本研究針對台中地區國民中學三個年級與國民小學五六兩個年級進行施測,先進行迴歸分析,且根據迴歸的結果設計路徑分析,分析可能的因果機制: (一)性別:結果得出性別(男性)會直接影響網路成癮行為,除此之外,性別因素(男性)會間接經由真實人際關係而影響上癮行為、也會間接經由真實人際關係與線上人際關係而影響成癮行為。 (二)人格特質:本模型以人格特質之「神經質」為觀察變項,可以得出神經質會直接對網路成癮產生影響,同時也會經由真實人際關係與線上人際關係而影響成癮行為;也會經由線上人際關係而影響成癮行為。 (三)家長的網路態度:模型中可看出「家長的網路態度」不會影響上癮行為,但是卻會經由影響網路能力而影響了網路上癮,或是「家長對網路的態度」會經由網路能力與線上人際關係間接影響了上癮行為。 綜合研究究果可以得出國內中小學學童產生上癮行為的可能因果路徑關係,發現中小學學童網路上癮行為因素除了受人格特質等先天因素影響外,亦受父母態度與使用者自身資訊能力等後天因素所影響,對於未來預從事相關研究的研究者而言,後天環境的因素是未來可深入探討的地方。 Nowadays Internet has been developed so rapidly, and influenced human-beings daily life. Such as inappropriate using internet:internet addiction、internet crime、internet deception、cyber sexual. In Taiwan, Internet addiction is influence by teenagers more and more serious. And this study is research elementary and junior high school students’ Internet using behavior to assume students deviation in Internet. We are examined five to nine grades in elementary and junior high students. First thing is to do the regression analysis and then base on the result to design path analysis, after that to analysis the possibility of the cause and effect. (a)Gender: the result of the analysis point out gender(male) are straight effect the behavior of internet addiction. Otherwise the factors of gender are indirect effect from social relationship to addiction behavior. Also from social relationship and online relationship to effect the behavior of addiction. (b)Personality:this model base on「nervous」to be independent variable, find out 「神nervous」are straightly influence addiction. Meanwhile the relationship of real life and online relationship also affect the behavior. Furthermore the relationship of online also can influence the behavior of addiction. (c)attitude of parents:in this model we can find out the attitude of internet of parents would not affect the addiction of children, but the ability of internet using are affect the addiction or indirect from online relationship and capable of internet to addiction. The result of this research, we find out the path of “cause and effect” of elementary and junior high students might be influenced by personality and the attitude of parents and the capable of user. For other researchers, the factor of environment may be the usable way to study.