本研究以策略聯盟的途徑,探討社寮文教基金會分別與濁水溪南岸六社區,以及千禧龍青年基金會策略聯盟,從事「濁水溪南岸山水社造尋情—社造學習之旅」與「築夢工場—藝術家園地交流中心」的資源整合個案。本研究的重大發現,有如下數端: 一、非營利組織的資源依賴宿命與窘境,唯有透過策略聯盟的資源整合途徑,特別是政府、企業、學術界、社區與非營利組織間的協力運作,才有創造生存條件,建立發展基礎的可能。以一己之力,決難竟其功。 二、非營利組織本身的不足之處,除各種有形資源外,治理與管理能力的提升,以及各種產業發展所需專業知識的具備與充實,已日益必要。 三、當前台灣地區熱門的「社區總體營造」風潮,其落實之道,在於社造專業知識與經驗豐富的非營利組織,如新故鄉基金會、新港文教基金會,以及社寮文教基金會的陪伴參與。 四、在地的專業工作團隊是草根型非營利組織的特色。在在地化的過程中,累積民眾的認同,則需藉培力與賦權的交互作用。 This thesis proposes a resources integrative framework to study strategic alliances among nonprofit organizations in Taiwan. The two cases has examined which includes She-Liao Foundation(社寮文教基金會,SLF)collaborated with Dragon Millennium Youth Foundation(千禧龍青年基金會) to found “the Dream Workshop” to provide a working field for local artists; SLF cooperated with six village communities located at southern bank of Choshui River in Nan-tou County to develop an industrialization project. The case studies illustrate:• The driving forces that influence organizations to consider strategic alliances;• How they chose or came to know their partners;• The timeline and process they used to form the alliance;• The hurdles or obstacles they encountered along the way;• The evaluation or outcomes of the alliance; and• The lessons they learned from the entire experience. The main founding includes:․ Collaborate in new and more strategic ways. Work together with other organizations on a deeper and more committed level through strategic collaborations or partnerships. Look for unlikely partners -- not the usual suspects -- that can help you achieve your mission while making the most of your limited resources.․ Efforts to build capacity in nonprofits are primarily about performance, change, and innovation. Performance, however, needs to be broadly measured and considered in terms of social capital, cultural bonds, networks, and other factors that add value to a community. Nonprofits that engage in prevention, advocacy, or other difficult to measure activities serve important and needed functions. These factors all contribute to the well-being of the community as much as the more traditional services and programs of the nonprofit sector. ․ Local nonprofit organizations play mediating and guiding role among all organizations in community empowerment, integrating and mobilizing resources from government, business, and academia to enhance community industrialization and appeal.․ Local nonprofit organizations also should play the role of an inspiring companion to enforce empower function.