摘要: | 人類最能順應自然環境與改造居住空間為自己所用,經過長久以來的生活、歷史軌跡、經濟性與統治文明等因素,演變萃煉成獨特的、地方性、歷史式思維的生活文化,造就屬於自己的居住空間,追求一份「定居」的渴求欲望。 本文試圖從傳統集居聚落與居住群體的空間演化過程了解新吉庄 1.傳統集居式聚落的特徵 2.居住區位演變的特徵 3.居住群與居住空間之關係及其需求 並透過此3項的檢視,找尋出未來傳統集居聚落的居住空間規劃建造與活化的方法。本研究就單一傳統集居式聚落規劃的方式,所形成的居住環境與居住空間剖析居住群與居住區位之演變關係,以呈現整體居住空間的實際面,在世代繁衍下居住群體關係的特徵及自我居住空間的意義,以及反映人與建築的對待意義。 第一章 緒論 主闡述傳統聚落之形塑定義與研究地點所形成,並以農村住宅規劃概念、傳統堪輿風水觀、人與傳統建築民居關係論述,研究方法以相關圖冊、地籍圖與航照圖比對分析與還原、歷史資料的蒐集整理、戶籍資料統合分析、實地的繪測記錄與田野調查、基礎問卷調查、居民訪談探究傳統聚落。 第二章 朴子市新吉庄環境與歷史人文背景之變遷,從研究點的基礎資料鋪陳其傳統集居聚落之地理區位與遷村形成,人口演化、產業因素及居民信仰形塑的定居場所,解構傳統集居式聚落的特徵。 第三章 新吉庄傳統聚落的社群居住區位之演變特徵,從實地的記錄現況與訪察,其居住群體形成的居住型態演變與區位分佈的特徵。 第四章新吉庄社區族群之居住環境與空間需求及期望,針對規劃聚落區域內進行基礎問卷調查與居民訪談,分別以總量分析與年齡層及各居住的社區族群,探求其居住空間的需求,以及反映人與建築的對待意義。 第五章 結論,總結各章論述與小節作一歸納結論,並針對此研究地點未來可以進行持續的研究方向。 We, as the human species, have extraordinary ability to adapt to natural environmental changes and to modify our own surroundings for best-fit usage. We seek to satisfy the hope and desire of “stable dwelling” by the means of building our own living space through experiences based on livelihood, historical pattern, economic structure, and political organization. The cultures of living gradually transform to be unique, local, and historical based. The objective of this study is to present the transformation process of the particular living and dwelling features of the villages in Xin Ji village Putzu city through three viewpoints. 1. The features of traditional villages with collective dwelling. 2. The features of spatial development of settlement. 3. The relationship and features between environment and its habitants. Based on above three viewpoints, we attempt to find the approach to boost environmental vitality and the method of the traditional and collective villages of living space planning. We present a study on the planning of villages with unitary, traditional, and collective characteristics. We would like to analyze the relationship between spatial development of settlement and the particulars of living from environment and living space. Through showing the real living space as a whole, we can find the means of our own living space forming both growth of gamily and the particular living, which reflect the connection between humans and buildings. Chapter 1.The introduction: This chapter takes account of the research on the meaning and formation of traditional villages, such as Xin Ji village. We base on the theory of rural house planning, the conception of Chinese Geomancy, the maintained relationship between habitants and traditional building, We look into the historical pattern, the land of record map and aerial photo, the historical records and household register, drew and marked records of building form, questionnaires, and interviews of habitants form Xin Ji village. Chapter 2.The environmental changes and the past history of Xin Ji village Putzu city: We display and establish the foundations of stable traditional villages from the geography, migration of villages, the population of variation, economic structure, and religious beliefs. Chapter 3.The transformation process of the particular living and dwelling features of the villages in Xin Ji village Putzu city: We present the drew and marked records of building, interview habitants who form the transformation process of the particular living and dwelling features of the villages. Chapter 4.Both the living environment and space of requirement from the particulars of living in Xin Ji village: We proceed to the questionnaire and interview of habitants in whole. We examine the focus of the particulars of living and disparity in age and plenipotentiary. Chapter 5.Conclusion and follow-up research:Summarize all above chapter with conclusion, the goal of the research, and point out the following research. |