本研究運用「台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫」(Taiwan Education Panel Survey,簡稱TEPS)的原始資料,探討台灣國中生補習行為與學習成就之間的關係。首先討論家庭社經背景與學校測驗成績和升學的結果,接著加入補習探討補習的效能。研究方法採描述性統計、卡方檢定、線性迴歸、以及二元邏輯迴歸等方法進行分析。 本文發現,升學主義的影響、教育政策的制訂、文化資本的累積與傳承、文憑主義和勞動市場間的連帶關係,都是強化了補習的行為。 實證的結果也發現,學生參與補習會因家庭社經背景不同而有差異,但是研究中也反映出補習之間的階層差異情形有逐漸改善的情形,例如:男生補習的機會和女生大致是相等;父母親的職業與子女補習的情形也不顯著。父母親的教育程度對子女參與補習的情形則是達顯著水準;家庭中的收入則是對子女補習仍舊有很大的影響。 另外,補習對國中生的學習成就的影響是顯著,補習的多寡會影響學生的學業成績;補習的多寡會影響學生的升學的情形,但是由模型的擬R-平方來看,其改變量並不大,補習的效果可能被誇大了。 In this paper, the data sets used in this research come from Taiwan Education Panel Survey(TEPS),The main purpose of this research is to analyze the learning results and shadow education behavior of junior high school students. The data was analyzed with descriptive statistics, x²; analysis, Linear regression, and Binary logistic regression. We discovered some effects strengthened the behavior of taking classes after school, which are the ism entering junior high school, the formulation of politics, the accumulation and inheriting, and the relationship between the doctrine of the diploma and the culture of labor’s market. The empirical results show, although the reasons are different that pupils taking classes after school, the differences of social classes improved gradually. For example, the rate of chance which boy and the girl students are roughly equal. It is not significant of the rate between parents' job and children’s cramming. It is more significant of parents' education degree reaching children to participate in cramming. Income of family makes heavy influence to children. Further, it is most significant between cramming and the achievements in school. It is also significant of the frequency in cramming. It is concern with entering high schools. Specially, it is less making change when we analyze the data of R-square which means the outcome of taking classes might be overstate.