本研究欲針對銀髮族(65歲以上)及前銀髮族(50—64歲)的資訊使用現況、載具使用情形、電子報的閱讀傾向、閱讀意願做一深入的了解;並且探討:使用載具是否會提高其閱讀電子報之意願?據以提出建議,並擬訂經營管理策略之參考,提升電子報的使用頻率,並提供銀髮族擴充其資訊經驗之訊息。 研究設計採用問卷調查法,並以自編之「銀髮族使用載具閱讀電子報之閱讀動機與閱讀行為相關研究問卷」做為蒐集資料之工具。研究對象施測,因為考量銀髮族群電子閱讀機會較小,故鎖定母群體為雲林、嘉義地區有使用電腦經驗之銀髮族,如:各數位機會中心、長青學苑、老人會電腦班學員,包括已退休之前銀髮族,發放問卷215份,收回有效問卷200份,有效問卷回收率94.42%。根據填答結果,以描述性統計、因素分析、信度分析、t考驗、變異數分析、卡方考驗等統計方法實施檢定分析。 研究結果顯示,銀髮族載具使用滿意度對電子報閱讀意圖與傾向,有正向相關及顯著影響;但大部分銀髮族仍停留於使用筆電及桌機;故建議教育機構將載具尤其行動載具--平板及智慧型手機使用列入課程,將可提高載具閱讀電子報之比例及接受度;另外,載具設計業者,應著力於提高「載具易用性」;新聞電子報業者應依閱讀對象設計分齡、分對象之電子報紙,當能擴大閱讀層面,亦較適合銀髮族點閱。 最後,建議三方--載具設計、新聞電子報及教育訓練單位,共同規劃推廣使用載具閱讀電子報。 The purpose of this study was to investigate the use of information and electronic reading device as well as the motivation of reading epaper of senior and pre-senior citizens. This study will also explore whether the usage of electronic reading device can enhance the senior citizens’ willto read epaper; in this way, the author can give suggestions and provide the strategies to promote the rate of reading epaper,and also provide the message for the senior citizens that they can expand their information searching experience. The study was conducted through question naire survey. According to literature review, the "The Reading Motivation and Reading Behavior of Senior Citizens Use Consumer Electronics to Read Epaper Questionnaire" was made, and 200 samples were surveyed with a ratio of 94.42% usable samples. The population of this study are the senior citizens who live in Chiayi and Yunlin region, and those who have experiences of using computer. The statistical techniques were descriptive statistics, factor ananysis, reliability analysis, t-test, analysis of variance ANOVA, and Chi-square test. The results of this study show that senior citizens’ approval rating of using electronic reading device haspositive correlation and significant influence tosenior citizens’ motivation of reading epaper. Most senior citizens still uselaptops and computers. According to the results, his study proposed suggestions for educational training organizations that the introduction of smartphone and tabletinto the course can increase the acceptace of epaper reading; the electronic reading device designers can improve the convenience for senior citizens; and the publisher of epaper can classify the epaper contents according to the age of readers. At last, this study suggests the designers, the epaper, and educational training organizations should encourage reading epaper byusing electronic reading devices together.