地方文化是一個地區的特色與象徵,展現出和其他地區不同的歷史、自然環境、藝術、人文精神等特質,亦維繫著地方居民的情感與共同記憶。受到全球化的影響,各國、各地的文化面臨交融、式微或逐漸消失等問題,如何保存、傳遞並創新發展地方文化的內涵,是現今各地努力的目標,而地方政府和地方博物館在地方文化的推廣上扮演了很重要的角色。 嘉義市立博物館是嘉義市文化的櫥窗,是一座綜合性的博物館,展示內容涵蓋「地質、化石、美術」三大主題,呈現出嘉義市獨特的自然景觀及人文藝術等文化特色,並常規劃各種主題與活動,透過多樣的行銷方式,吸引民眾到館,達到地方文化推廣的成效。 本研究旨在探討嘉義市立博物館在地方文化推廣及發展上的規劃及概況,採用個案研究、深度訪談及次級資料分析三種研究方法,針對「館務規劃」、「文化認同傳承」、「文化行銷」、「教育推廣」、「藝術創作扶植」、「文創思維延伸」和「未來發展與建議」七個面向進行訪談分析,統整、歸納出具體而有效的資料與建議,提供嘉義市立博物館或其他地方博物館未來營運、規劃之參考。 Local culture is a characteristic symbol of a region which presents unique local history, environment, arts and other characteristics. Influenced by the globalization, all the countries and regions are facing the problems of cultural integration or disappearance. Therefor the government and local museums play important roles in the preservation, promotion and innovation of local culture. Chiayi City Museum, a comprehensive museum, is a showcase of Chiayi culture. This museum contains three main themes: Geographic Hall, Fossil Hall and Fine Arts. It demonstrates the unique natural landscape, human arts and other cultural characteristics. In order to promote local culture, Chiayi City Museum holds many activities and expositions to attract local citizens. This study contains three research methods which are case studies, in-depth interview and secondary data collections. Also the research provides seven perspectives: (1) Museum Management (2) Cultural Identity and Heritage (3) Cultural Marketing (4) Extension Education (5) Cultivation of the Arts (6) Extension of the Cultural Creative thoughts (7) Further Development and Suggestions.