本研究以嘉義縣大林鎮中林社區為研究目標,並對這些年來的社造作個紀錄及回顧;採個案研究法及半結構式深度訪談法,訪問了社區營造之社區居民、營造員、同類型社區營造員之心得及感想;以期獲致有效的建議,為中林帶來更多的幸福與希望。茲將得到研究成果建議臚列如下:一. 公部門的互動與補助。公部門之補助可減輕營造員之負擔。二. 全村動起來。每一個人都是主角,大家都有成就感。三. 產業升級或再創新。有利於年輕人返鄉打拼。四. 人力設備緊密配合。地盡其利、物盡其用、人盡其才。五. 精神層面之提昇。心之為用大矣哉,能在內心上有所提昇是為上策。 The research is a case study on Zhonglin Community. With semi-structured depth interview to the residents and the members of the community rebuilding group and the similar counterparts . we keep a record of the procedure and try to find the ropes and to create the happiness and hope of the community. The suggestions of the research are as followings:First, the good relation and subsidy from the public sectors.Second, working together .Everyone is the main hero.Third, renewing or upgrading the economy of the community.Fourth, making good use of the faculty and facility of the community .Fifth , spiritual growth of the residents.