隨著台灣經濟的高度發展,原物料與工資也跟著水漲船高,人力密集的傳統產業必須積極轉型才能根留台灣,觀光工廠即是轉型經營的方式之一,台灣從工業經濟過度到目前的體驗經濟,觀光工廠即是知識體驗的旅遊,成為親子教育和旅遊的最佳選擇。 本研究透過蒐集觀光工廠部落格文章、網路新聞等103篇,利用內容分析法與語義網絡分析法來分析觀光工廠對遊客的旅遊體驗行銷,透過Nvivo質性軟體節點、建立關鍵字,並將文章翻譯成英文統計節點出現次數驗證節點的客觀性,接著以量化方法來探究關鍵字間之相關係數、利用探索性因素分析建立出十五個構面,接著建立ISM關係圖,來探究遊客對觀光工廠的思維的因果脈絡。研究結果:1.從分析結果所得構面可知遊客對觀光工廠最深刻的體驗元素有哪些? 2.從體驗元素串連出遊客對觀光工廠體驗概念的因果脈絡圖。建議:由研究結果提供業者了解消費者的想法及需求,做為經營策略參考。 With the development of Taiwan's economy , raw materials and wages have continued to rise. Traditional labor-intensive industries have to make a positive transformation in Taiwan. Tourism is one of the ways that factory restructuring operations, manufacturing binding comprehensive management mode of operation of tourism. In addition, in order to expansion of domestic demand, and to increase peoples’willingness to consume, Taiwan's industrial economy has transformed into the current experiential economy. Tourism factory is the tour for experiencing and obtaining konwledge.And it has become the best choice for parenting education and tourism. This study collected various internet media such as blogs,and news about tourism factory , and employed semantic network analysis and content analysis to analyze tourists' tourism experiential value towards tourism factory. NVIVO was applied to form a list of key words and their frequency. In addition, we computed the correlation between keywords and applied the Interpretive Structural Model (ISM) to explore the network among all keywords to realize the relationships among evaluation criteria.Furthermore,this study aims to apply qualitative and quantitative analysis to explore tourists' most impressive tourism experiential value of tourism factory as well as the relationships among tourists' thoughts. This study will be beneficial and provide the suggestions for tourism factorys’ managers.