本論文研究的為了瞭解在在臺陸生相關政策的影響之下,大陸來台就學的學生在台灣權益保障的狀況,尤其是通過訪談的方式集中探討台灣南部中正大學這一所學校的陸生在此類問題的特點。透過探討陸生來台就讀政策的演變及實施的情況,通過實際深入的訪談來瞭解其入學動機、學校及社會的適應,以及壓力的感受及困境和台灣文化的體驗和認同來分析研究。雖然僅僅侷限於一所學校,但學生的來源地及就學的方式及不同科系考量使得個體狀況的差異也很明顯。在臺灣北部地區上學,除去學校本身的資源優勢外,更多感受台灣文化、城市氣息的原因驅使大家在願意來台讀書後的第一選擇,這一選擇的優勢也許更大於學校的知名度、專業的契合度以及公私立學校的考量。研究結果發現,受訪者來臺的動機本身比較單純即為來看看走走的心態,同時加上對於課業的適應需要花費比較大的時間和經歷,再加之大陸長期以來對陸生的教育為填鴨式的加上順民的思想灌輸,使得本身對於自身權益的重視及認識程度是不足夠的。陸生來台灣后,由於政策及意識形態的差距,導致很多不認識、不理解、不能溝通的情形處處即是,在陸生來臺就學過程中情緒和精神上還是帶來了一些壓力。因此台灣政府及大學院校同時如何調整和變通增加就學意願,協助其改善適應也就自然是未來要研究的一個新的課題。 The purpose of this study is to understand Mainland China students’ rights while studying in Taiwan under the current laws and government policies. Some of the Mainland China students who are studying at the National Chung Cheng University in Chaiyi County, Taiwan are interviewed to find common characteristics with regard to this issue. Although the source of the interviewed samples is limited to one university, they are diversified in terms of their origins, enrollment approaches and study majors and departments. This study found that the motives of Mainland China students studying in Taiwan were relatively unanimous, as they simply wanted to experience the world beyond the nation’s boundaries. However, they often encounter situations they are unfamiliar with, do not understand, or fail to communicate in due to differences in policy and ideologies, and this creates stress for them. Therefore, the Taiwanese government and universities may be interested in knowing how to make adjustments to increase Mainland China students’ willingness to study in Taiwan, as well as helping them better adapt to life in a new environment.