研究動機是因為全球區域經濟的趨勢進而帶動海外直接投資的熱絡,使得企業面臨全球競爭的壓力,以對外貿易為主的台灣來說,充分感受到全球競爭的壓力進而加快腳步布局全球。在客戶需求之下台資企業開始加碼對歐洲市場的投資,台資的投資由從西歐轉為東歐,以近年來,台灣高科技產業投資數最多的國家-捷克來做分析,企業在海外投資上區域選擇的要素有哪些,目的是台灣能否從中借鏡學習。在研究中資料蒐集是以捷克投資局、統計局與歐盟委員會為主,在研究中,先以台資企業在歐洲投資區域的轉變帶出捷克的優勢,範圍以在捷克投資多數的台資高科技產業為主,說明區域選擇的考量,並分析捷克的區域優勢,故其他產業的區域考量則以簡述帶之。在研究中得出捷克積極創造友好的環境,加上相對的地理優勢,這樣的相對因素使得捷克逐年升高的生產成本也不會影響,捷克在外資中東歐區域的優先選擇。借鏡台灣學習創造友好的投資環境並努力簽訂經濟合作關係,以把握台灣在亞洲的優勢位置。 Nowadays the boom regional economy have energized Taiwan’s oversea direct investment, due to this local enterprises are facing competition from every corner of the world. As Taiwan's economy heavily relies on international trades, and international trades come with international competitions. Under the demand of the customers, Taiwanese enterprises started to increase portion of investment in Europe. However the trend of investment destination shifted from western Europe to Eastern Europe recently, take Czech for example, Taiwanese invested a great deal in high technology industry. The information and statistics in this article are mainly gathered from CzechInvest, Statistic Department, and European Union Committee. The article will be discussing about how the shift of Taiwanese investing destination benefit Czech Republic. The main focus is on Investment of Taiwanese High-Tech Companies in Czech Republic, and its regional advantages. Meanwhile the other industries will be briefly mentioned. After the study, the reason that Czech Republic is considered as a prioritized destination of choice for foreign investors, that is due to its investor-friendly environment and excellent geographic location. Even though the production cost is raising every year, these advantages are still attractive enough to keep the funds stay. Czech Republic's excellent business environment could be a role model for Taiwan. Taiwan could cultivate a suitable environment for foreign investors, establish economic relationship with other countries to keep Taiwan competitive within the Asian Region.