2007年底的美國次級房貸以及2008年雷曼兄弟事件的相繼爆發,導致信用緊縮,引發流動性危機,最終造成美國經濟重創並蔓延成為全球性的金融風暴。受到這場史上罕見的全球金融風暴衝擊,政府開支浮濫的希臘在2009年底,成為歐元區第一個大規模爆發主權債務問題的國家,爾後愛爾蘭、葡萄牙、西班牙、義大利陸續爆發不同程度的主權債務危機,一時之間,歐債問題儼然成為繼美國次級房貸問題後引發全球經濟不確定的重要因素。本論文由歷史的角度回顧引發歐債問題的導火線:希臘主權債務危機,首先探討希臘本身的經濟體質與加入歐元區的成因背景,之後觀察希臘主權債務危機發生經過以及其對希臘與歐元區經濟的衝擊,最後則陳述歐盟主要國家與相關機構對此危機的因應對策,並分析希臘主權債務危機對於歐洲社會經濟長遠發展的影響。 The 2007 US sub-prime mortgage crisis and then the Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy at 2008 have caused a worldwide liquidity crisis, which in turn led to a slowdown in the US economy and the crashed in global stock markets. Hit by the global financial crisis, Greece in late 2009 has become the first among the five large-scale sovereign debt crises within the Eurozone. Concern soon started to build about all the heavily indebted countries in Europe - Portugal, Ireland, Spain and Italy and this ongoing European sovereign debt crisis seems to pose the greatest risk to the recovery of our global financial markets. This dissertation provides an analysis and assessment of the Greek sovereign debt crisis and discusses how the Greek debt crisis might possibly affect the long term economy of the EU. It first assesses the outlook of the Greek economy before and after it joined the Eurozone. Then it analyzes the main root causes for the Greek sovereign debt crisis and the responses from the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Finally, this dissertation concludes with an evaluation of the implications of this crisis to the long term EU economy.