本文試觀察中國大陸如何以區域整合為經濟工具影響他國及追求國家利益。以兩岸關係為例,筆者指出,中國大陸過去十年的經濟成就,使曾經封閉的北京有更大的自信和興趣積極參與東亞經濟整合及貿易自由化的進程。中國大陸的作為進而對台灣造成壓力,迫使後者不得不與北京打交道。中國大陸的經濟崛起實際上將兩岸的權力平衡倒向北京。 This paper is an observation of how Beijing attempts to influence other states and achieve its interests through the use of regional integration as an economic instrument. Focusing on the example of Cross-strait relations, this author proposes that China’s economic success over the past decade has encouraged the once reclusive country to actively participate in economic integration and market liberalization efforts in East Asia, which in turn translated into strong economic pressure for Taiwan to come to terms with China on the negotiating table. Such a process essentially tips the balance across the Strait in favor of China.