坐而言不如起而行。單純倡議一種觀念但實踐上卻顯得消極,此現象的背後便具有一定程度之虛偽性。自1994 年UNDP 提出以人為中心的安全觀以來,有些中型國家(middle powers)很積極地呼應與推廣人類安全,但對自己領域境內危害人權的事件卻仍慣以國家中心或切割式的安全思考來進行治理,致使被害人的安全得不到充分保障。事實上,倡議人類安全的中型國家不必然能夠在具體行動上落實以人為本的安全觀,它們的政策還是不免受到權力或利益的左右。藉由加拿大和日本的個案研究,本文指出中型國家的安全思維並沒有跳脫現實主義學派的國家中心思考(state-centric approach),同時在有關人類安全的具體作為上,也還僅停留在倡議為主而非側重落實之階段。毋寧,中型國家對於人類安全的實踐恐怕多數時候還只是一個虛偽的外交辭令。 Actions speak louder than words. Purely promoting one concept without active follow-up actions is hypocritical to some degree and worthy of being studied. The concept of ‘human security’, developed by UNDP in the 1994’s Human Development Report, has been echoed and advocated by some middle powers loudly. Nevertheless, those countries continually and frequently apply state-centric ideas of security as realists claimed within their territories, which leads to a tragedy that individuals being identified as foreigners, particularly those who are victims of human trafficking, are hard to be well protected. In fact, middle powers that advocate human security are not fully equal to those that fulfill and safeguard it. With the case studies of Canada and Japan, this paper demonstrates that the mindset of security middle powers have does not escape from the traditional state-centric viewpoint but otherwise is bound by power and interest. Further, in terms of the practice regarding human security, middle powers are still only paying lip service most of time instead of taking substantial actions. In short, human security is a hypocritical rhetoric in diplomacy in which the words of middle powers speak louder than their actions.