從千禧年聯合國高峰會議開始,青年的失業成為國際社會普遍重視的問題。根據國際勞工組織(Internatiomal Labour Organization, ILO)發布《全球青年就業趨勢報告》中指出,全球青年失業率從2007 年的11.6%上升到2013 年的13.1%,歐盟青年失業率從2007 年的12.5%到2013 年的18.3%,而歐盟青年的失業人口占全球青年失業人口約10%。2013 年歐盟高峰會規劃「青年保證執行計畫」(Youth Guarantee Implementation Plans)及「青年就業倡議方案」(Youth Employment Initiativeprogrammes)來促使各會員國降低各自國家的青年失業率。其中歐盟成員國的青年失業問題嚴重,英國為最嚴重成員國之一,2007 年英國青年失業率為14.2%上升到2013 年的20.9%,而英國是歐盟國家中第一個制定專屬於青年政策的國家。本研究探討青年做為國家的重要支柱,探究其失業問題的根源頭及現況,對英國整體社會經濟所產生的影響,並作為探討台灣青年失業、就業問題的借鏡。 The unemployment of the youth has grown up to be a serious international problem since the United Nations summit in Millennium. Global Employment Trends for Youth from the International Labor Organization (ILO) indicate that global youth unemployment at 11.6%, 2007 to 13.1%, 2013. Unemployment of young European is rising from 12.5%, 2007 to 18.3%, 2013. However, unemployment European youth takes about 10% in global unemployment. 2013 UN summits planed European Union planed Youth Guarantee Implementation Plans and Youth Employment Initiative programmes to encourage all its member country to reduce the unemployment. UK encountered the most rigorous situation among other member countries. The unemployment in the UK rose from 14.2%, 2007 to 20.9%, 2013. Since the UK is the first European country makes the policy for the youth. The thesis focus on youth as the most important backbone of society, and to explore the root and current status of the unemployment. Its influence on society of the United Kingdom for reflecting on what happen in employment and unemployment of Taiwanese youth nowadays.