社會運動是一種群眾為生活或政治相關的議題而發起的集體行動,主要在改變或抗拒一些群眾不滿的現狀。為了達成社會運動的目標,適時運用以說服為本的語藝策略的運用就扮演了關鍵的角色。 本研究就台灣獨立建國聯盟網站與其臉書的刊文內容,選取出50則與台灣獨立運動有關的文本,並從Stewart et. al.(2001)所提出的「轉化對真實的認知」、「改變抗議者之自我認知」、「正當化社會運動」、「指出行動方向」、「動員行動」、「維繫社會運動」等六種社會運動語藝說服觀點,探討這些文本各自傳達了上述哪些說服功能。 研究結果發現,台灣獨立建國聯盟在推動台灣獨立運動時兼採用了上述六種社會運動之語藝策略,但以「從真實歷史看台獨」和「改變抗議者之自我認知」為主;再就其內容言,多在於強調「被殖民的共同創傷」、「強化人民對台灣主體意識的責任感」、「藉由被壓迫的歴史中帶出台灣的主體意識」,整體上其語藝論述內容重心多傾向台獨理念宣揚和時事批判。 A social movement is an organized collectivities formed by people to promote or to oppose changes in societal norms and values. In order to achieve the goal of a social movement, manipulating right rhetorical strategies for presuasion in right time plays an important role. This study is based on the fifty text posted on the website of World United Formosans for Independence (WUFI) as well as its related Facebook pages and were catagorized into six functions issued by Stewart et. al. (2001) as “Transforming perceptions of Social Movement”, “Altering self-perceptions of protestors”, “Legitimizing the social movenment”, Prescribing courses of action”, “Mobilizing for action”, and “Sustaining the social movement”. What rhetorical strategies the text adopted were then further analyzed. This study found that the six rhetorical strategies addressed above were ubiquitous on the WUFI website, while text associted with “issuing Taiwan independence from true history” and “altering self-perceptions of protesters” were the major subjects. As to its contents, this study also found that the posted text were mainly to emphasize the issues related to “the common trauma of being colonized” , “strengthening the resposibility of Taiwanese self-perceptions”, and “highlighting the Taiwanese consciousness by telling the oppressed history”. As a whole, it’s rhetorical principal axis naturally inclines to promote the concept of Taiwan independence and to criticize the current events as well.