本研究緣起於殯葬業服務學習過程中,觀察到喪親家屬失去至親的悲慟情緒,未曾得到適當引導抒發,卻因無從傾訴內心的哀傷表達情緒,長久積鬱經常導致身心失衡無法回復。且因現代社會重視時間功能,治喪服務的時間益形縮短,殯葬禮儀師與家屬接觸機會相形限縮,也因禮儀師與喪親家屬間委任關係的特殊,常未能適時而有效提供喪親家屬悲傷撫慰,致許多因喪親引發之情緒問題盤留家屬內在。 本研究以質性研究之深入訪談為研究方法,透過三位任職於殯葬服務業年資五年以上具有國家核發證書之禮儀師,在從事喪禮服務中對喪親家屬的悲傷關懷與經驗,作為文本資料,並以主題式分析法深入分析探討。發現現代社會對禮儀師職能認知尚有固著,難在短促喪儀時間獲得喪親家屬之信任而傾訴內在,惟禮儀師運用禮儀專業知識與懷帶悲憫心的「關懷」,卻可在喪禮儀節的過程,使家屬藉由參與各種儀式而宣洩抒發其悲傷情緒,禮儀師也在服務喪禮的過程中,無形的轉化喪親家屬因親人死亡的悲傷情緒而回復正常生活。 Based on funeral service experience, researcher observed the required needs of helping bereaved families to eliminate and diminish the grief of losing the loved one(s).Due to short funeral service period and limited interaction with bereaved families, the funeral directors often fail to comfort bereaved families timely and effectively. As a result, this sort of negative morale will cause serious emotional issue on the bereaved families in a long run. This thesis is based on the method of thematic analysis and the analysis of qualitative research providing in-depth research and study upon the experience of grief care to family of decease. We interviewed and gathered information from three government certified funeral directors with more than 5 years of working experience.Nowadays, people still have the stereo type of thinking about the funeral directors. The funeral directors normally find it hard to win trust from the bereaved families or offer adequate relief.Only do the morticians support the family of deceased with extra sincerity; release sorrow by various funeral rites, they will be able to break the barrier accompanying the family of deceased to gradually step out of the sorrow and grief.