面對現今社會/媒體環境,教育學生養成批判意識以及行動力成了重要的一環,媒體素養教育著重批判意識的養成,除培養公民具有面對媒體思辨的分析能力,重要的是實踐批判的行動力。鑑於前述理念,本文以批判教育學的理論為基礎的大學通識學生為主要研究對象,透過課堂作業(反思日誌、演講心得、網站討論)、焦點團體、深度訪談及課堂觀察等資料收集與分析,分析以反主流價值生產的媒介製作為訴求的媒體素養教育課程之影響與教學成效。研究結果發現此課程提升學生媒體素養批判與實踐的行動力;唯對持續保持關心社會議題並養成對公共議題批判與行動的習慣與態度,影響卻有限。 Facing rapid economic and cultural change brought by globalization, media chaos exists in today's information age. Media not only plays the role of a channel to view people's attitudes on culture and world, moreover, media also impacts people's cognitive, attitudes, behavior and core values as they perceive the world. To combat media bias and distortion, media literacy has become essential education for becoming an informed citizen in society. In order to equip people with critical capacity media training is necessary. Given this context, the research method I use applies action research to develop media literacy courses based on critical pedagogy to influence university students' media viewing and critical thinking abilities, as well as praxis in their real lives. Through class observation and interview method, action research will access whether student's cognitive and attitudes are changed or not, especially the impact praxis has changing their critical behavior not and outline the connection of concerns and importance of media literacy education and citizen action in Taiwan, The research aims are three fold: 1) determine effective methods for improving university students' critical thinking skills and the right to communicate with the media, and 2) through teaching/learning, reflect on the meaning of critical pedagogy as it is applied in media literacy courses and its ultimate application by the citizenry. 3) After class, students will explore their attitudes on taking social action in one's daily life to examine teaching effectiveness.