網際網路的普及加以3C的生活化應用,網路成癮已經成為全球性的問題,並已成為社會發展的新隱憂,而在網路成癮的類型中又以網路遊戲成癮的情形最為嚴重,其容易造成成癮者價值觀混淆、人際疏離、逃避社會責任、以及影響人格發展等嚴重後果,進而衍生負面的家庭與社會問題。本計畫採用實驗法並透過網路社群邀約的方式取得受測樣本,在實驗期間藉由問卷調查與腦波檢測來收集資料,並使用類神經網路來進行腦波訊號的訓練與測試,計畫預期成果在於建置網路遊戲成癮者與未成癮者的腦波數據庫,且據以建構潛在網路遊戲成癮者的腦波預測模式。 As the Internet prevails and 3C products are applied for daily life, the Internet addiction becomes global worries for social development. Among all kinds of Internet addiction, the Internet game addiction is most serious. With Internet game addiction, the players will have the confused beliefs about value and personality developments, interpersonal alienation, and lower social responsibility. Thus, it further derived negative family and social problems. This study adopts the experimental method. The Internet communities are used for getting our participants. During the experimentation is taken, the participants accept the survey of Internet game addiction, and brainwave detection. Then, the artificial neural network is used for training and testing the collected brainwave data. Finally, this study tries to establish the brainwave database for all participants and uses them to develop the brainwave prediction model for the Internet game addictions.