最近「中華人民共和國」(以下簡稱中國)在「一帶一路」的口號下,在中亞擴大經濟影響。另一方面,現在中國帶來的經濟「衝擊」正引起當地人民的「恐中症」或是一種「反華情節」,例如2016年在哈薩克發生反「土地法改革」的抗議行動。但是,關於這種前蘇聯國家潛在的「恐中症」的歷史背景和特徵還沒有深入的探討。筆者將在這篇報告研究,包括現在的新疆維吾爾自治區和中亞國家群的「突厥斯坦」(Turkestan)地域潛在的「恐中症」歷史背景,以分析中國西邊鄰國潛在的「恐中症」對「一帶一路」的未來、新疆問題以及中共19大的影響。 In recent years, People’s Republic of China has been expanding her economic influence in Central Asia, under the slogan of “One Belt, One Road”. On the other hand, China’s impact led to a wave of “sinophobia” or a kind of anti-Chinese sentiment among the population in this area, such as the protests against land-law reform that broke out in Kazakhstan in 2016. However, little is known about the historical background of potential “sinophobia” among the population in the former Soviet Union countries. In this presentation, the author will analyze the historical background of potential “sinophobia” in the region of Turkestan including Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of today, and also argue about the broad implication of potential “sinophobia” among the western neighbors of PRC to the future of “One Belt, One Road”, the national question in Xinjiang, and the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.