Due to the influences of the development of information transmission and internationalization, enterprises in Taiwan have faced unprecedented difficulties; therefore, the ability to face adversity and pressure resistance are particularly important. When people face various work challenges in workplaces, those who are able to adapt themselves to the pressure and predicament of work, solve them, and further fulfill their potential, can successfully complete their work and tasks. This study selected workers in Taiwan as the research subjects, and used convenience sampling to distribute 500 questionnaires, with 307 questionnaires returned. This study used demographic variables and adversity quotient to perform ANOVA. The main purposes of this study are to determine the factors affecting adversity quotient, understand the adversity quotient of enterprise workers in Taiwan, and propose suggestions for them. The research results showed that, age and seniority have a significant effect on adversity quotient, while gender and educational background do not have a significant effect on adversity quotient.
The Journal of Human Resource and Adult Learning vol. 10, no. 1 pp.22-32