本研究以間接服務社會工作者的角度,採訪談法及焦點團體訪談法,訪談屏東台九線3個排灣族部落的社區型非營利組織的3位主責人及7位主要協力的返鄉青年,研究部落青年離鄉與返鄉的主要原因與動機、回鄉後的困境與機會、社區型非營利組織與返鄉青年的相互影響及3個組織在部落發展的比較。 研究發現如下:1.部落青年離鄉主要原因與動機是求學及工作,對離鄉青年而言,部落的推力仍大於都市的拉力。2.部落青年回鄉的主要原因是思鄉,想要文化傳承與營造社區。回鄉的困境是工作機會少、生活不便、世代觀念的差異等。回鄉的機會是從困境危機中看見轉機。3.社區型非營利組織與返鄉青年的相互影響是連動式的,組織的主責人角色定位與深入部落程度是團隊運作的關鍵。4.三個組織在部落發展的比較,國小在資募最優勢、協會在經營上最辛苦、教會對部落的影響層面最大。 From the angle of an indirect social worker and by way of interviews as well as focus group interviews, the research interviewed with three leaders and seven returning tribal youths in three nonprofit community-based organizations of Paiwan Tribes in Pintung along Highway 9, exploring the main reasons and motives why aboriginal youths left hometown and came back, the difficulties and opportunities they meet with after coming back, and the mutual impacts between nonprofit community-based organizations and the returning youths. Comparisons of three organizations pertaining to tribal development are also made in the research. It is found that: 1. Study and work are the main reasons and motives of aboriginal youths leaving hometown, and the tribal conditions are more a push than the pull of the cities.2. The main reasons for those young men to return home include homesickness, concerns for cultural heritage and the prospect of community empowerment. The difficulties they meet with include few work opportunities at home, life inconveniences and generation gaps, among others. How to turn the predicaments into favorable conditions is where the opportunity lies.3. The mutual impacts of nonprofit community-based organizations and the returning youths are continuous and connected, and the roles the organization leaders and their involvement with tribal affairs are keys to the team's work.4. Comparing three types of organizations pertaining to tribal development,elementary schools are the most advantageous regarding fund-raising, associations meet with most difficulties in their running, and churches are the most influential to the tribes.