嘉義市蘭潭風景區目前主要以灌溉蓄水及休閒娛樂為主,歷年來遊客人數眾多,再加上對於休閒品質要求顯著提高,而成為遊客的首選,蘭潭風景區因為距離市區車程不遠,遊客眾多,水域安全尤顯重要。本研究以訪談法針對消防人員、遊客、地方發展協會進行訪談,以探討蘭潭風景區救生設施之滿意度,並了解該地區之救生設施使用現況,研究結果顯示蘭潭風景區的救生設施運用上感到滿意,並將資料分析後提出相關的建議。 The Lantan Scenic Area of Chiayi City is currently based on irrigation and leisure and entertainment. Since there are numerous visitors over the years, coupled with the demand for leisure quality significantly improves, it becomes the first choice for visitors. Lantan Scenic Area is not far from the city and many tourists there, so that the water security is particularly important. This study interviewed firefighters, visitors, and local development associations to explore the satisfaction with lifesaving facilities and to understand the use status of lifesaving facilities in the region. The results show that lifesaving facilities used in Lantan Scenic Area are satisfied, and the relevant recommendations are provided after analyzing the data.