中國素稱禮儀之邦,送禮的習俗不會因時空背景的轉換而改變。為了促進人際間互動關係,常以在地伴手禮送往迎來,增進彼此的情誼,故本研究探討購買情境對選購伴手禮的影響。根據上述目的,問卷設計針對有購買伴手禮的民眾為研究對象,於2017年2月17日以網路電子表單發放填寫,回收有效問卷378份,應用IRPA與IAA服務品質分析法作為研究方法。研究結果顯示:女性50歲以上、軍公教及服務業為伴手禮主要購買族群;商店店員「服務態度」都很親切,可繼續保持;產品「口感美味」很滿意,但影響不大;在「顯示品味」與「羨慕讚美」方面表現稍差,店家應加強該部分,可讓消費者提升自己的價值;然「旅遊達人」方面,重視度低表現差,「增加話題」重視度及表現稍好些,還有進步空間,都需優先改善。店家若能在產品方面提供更多元化的發展來吸引消費者,相信必能刺激買氣。 China is known as “The Nation of Rite”, the custom of giving gifts has never changed. To improve international relationships, people often buy local souvenirs as gift to express their friendship. The purpose of the study is to discuss how purchase situation affects souvenir-purchasing and the relations between them. According to the purposes mentioned above, this study takes the people who have ever bought souvenirs as the research subject. The web surveys started on February 17, 2017. IRPA and IAA analysis are used to analyze the data of the users, and 378 valid questionnaires are used to analyze the quality of service. The major findings of this study were summarized as follows. The main customers of buying souvenirs are women, above 50 years old, working at government or services industry. The customers think that the clerks are hospitable and lay emphasis the sanitary of their products. Souvenir-buyers also think the elements of“product features”,“joyous atmosphere”, and “environmental protection concept” are good. However, “taste” and “admiration” are a little bit worse. This shows souvenir shops should improve these parts to make customers feel more valuable. Finally, the priority that needs to be improved is to let the consumers feel like they're the “expert of travelling” by sharing the features of the souvenirs with their friends or family.“enhancing the subject” falls on the ordinary area. It still has more spaces for imrpoving. We hope that the results of this study can provide more diversity of developments for souvenir shops, make the product has high popularity.