本研究旨在探討初任幼兒教保服務人員工作壓力、因應策略及工作滿意度間之關係。主要之研究目的為:一、瞭解幼兒教保服務人員工作壓力、因應策略及工作滿意度之現況。二、探討初任與非初任之幼兒教保服務人員工作壓力、因應策略及工作滿意度間之差異情形。三、分析初任幼兒教保服務人員工作壓力、因應策略及工作滿意度間之相關情形。四、探討初任幼兒教保服務人員採用因應策略對工作壓力、工作滿意度之預測情形。 本研究採問卷調查法,以台灣培育之初任與非初任幼兒教保服務人員為研究對象,採用歐慧敏(2009)編製之「學前教師工作壓力量表」、「學前教師因應策略量表」及李新民(2003)編製之「學前教師工作滿意度量表」為研究工具,採分層隨機抽樣方式,寄發問卷共300份,回收有效問卷276份,其中包含132份初任幼兒教保服務人員。將所蒐集的資料以SPSS統計分析軟體進行描述性統計、獨立樣本t考驗、Pearson積差相關、多元迴歸分析進行資料分析與處理。 茲將本研究結果摘要分述如下:一、幼兒教保服務人員工作壓力屬於中等程度。二、幼兒教保服務人員面臨工作壓力或困擾較常採用「改變策略」,較少採用「逃避策略」。三、幼兒教保服務人員工作滿意度屬於中偏高程度。四、非初任幼兒教保服務人員在工作壓力之「外在環境政策」壓力顯著高於初任幼兒教保服務人員;初任幼兒教保服務人員在工作壓力之「專業成長」顯著高於非初任幼兒教保服務人員。五、非初任幼兒教保服務人員在採用「解決問題策略」、「暫時擱置策略」、「改變策略」、「尋求支持策略」頻率顯著高於初任幼兒教保服務人員。六、非初任幼兒教保服務人員在「整體工作滿意度」、「內在工作滿意度」、「外在工作滿意度」感受顯著高於初任幼兒教保服務人員。七、初任幼兒教保服務人員在「整體工作壓力」與「解決問題策略」、「改變策略」有顯著負相關;「整體工作壓力」與「暫時擱置策略」、「逃避策略」有顯著正相關。八、初任幼兒教保服務人員在「整體工作壓力」與「整體工作滿意度」有顯著負相關。九、初任幼兒教保服務人員在「整體工作滿意度」與「解決問題策略」、「改變策略」、「尋求支持策略」有顯著正相關;「整體工作滿意度」與「逃避策略」有顯著負相關。十、初任幼兒教保服務人員採用「暫時擱置策略」、「逃避策略」對整體工作壓力具有正向預測力。初任幼兒教保服務人員採用「尋求支持策略」對整體工作滿意度具有正向預測力;採用「逃避策略」對整體工作滿意度具有負向預測力。 This research aimed to explore the relationship among job stress, coping strategies and job satisfaction among beginning early childhood educators. The instruments used in the current study included "Early Childhood Educators Job Stress Scale" and "Early Childhood Educators Coping Strategies Scale" and "Early Childhood Educators Job Satisfaction Scale". Stratified cluster sampling was used to sample 300 early childhood educators. 276 participants who completed the instruments were selected, including 132 beginning early childhood educators. Results from descriptive statistical analysis, independent-sample T test, Pearson product-moment correlation, and multiple regression analysis are as follows: 1. The job stress for the participants is medium. 2. The participants more frequently used the coping strategy of "change" than "escape". 3. The jod satisfaction for the participants is medium. 4. Non-beginning early childhood educators in this study reported significantly higher job stress in "external environmental policy" than beginning educators. Meanwhile, beginning early childhood educators reported significantly higher stress in "professional growth" than non-beginning early childhood educators. 5. Non-beginning early childhood educators in this study reported to employ significantly more "problem solving", "temporary shelving", "change", and "support seeking" coping strategies than beginning early childhood educators. 6. Non-beginning early childhood educators in this study reported significantly higher "internal" and "external" job satisfactions than beginning early childhood educators. 7. Significant negative correlations were found between job stress and "problem solving" and "change" coping strategies, while significant positive correlations between job stress and "temporarily shelving" as well as "escape" coping strategies among beginning early childhood educators in the study. 8. Significant negative correlations between job stress and internal and externational job satisfactions were found among beginning early childhood educators. 9. Significant positive correlations between job satisfaction and "problem solving," "change", as well as "support seeking" coping strategies, while significant negative correlation was found between job satisfaction and "escape" coping strategy among beginning early childhood educators. 10. The coping strategies of "temporarily shelving" and "escape" significantly positively predicted job stress among beginning early childhood educators. "support seeking" positively predicted job satisfaction while "escape" coping strategies significantly negatively predicted job satisfaction among beginning early childhood educators.