過去,面對死亡事件,傳統社會有一套可供依循的模式與軌跡。老嫁妝主要目的為增福添壽、延續孝道、除了是文化傳承,更是對後代的冀望。如準備老嫁妝的過程,必須由包括已出嫁的子女共同出資選購,這象徵著全家老小皆雨露均霑。很多喪禮儀式的準備,是在生前就已經開始著手進行,而這些儀式是踏入死亡歷程或死亡經驗的開端;這開端可以是很靠近死亡前彌留的準備,或更早之前老嫁妝的準備,老嫁妝的準備已經是面對,更是認識死亡。然而,這些傳統社會的意義和內容,在現代社會是不是還留存?是不是還像過去那樣重要?如果過去曾藉由老嫁妝維繫家族的信賴關係,那麼隨時代變遷對於現代化社會的影響和呈現方式又是如何? 本研究採質性探究取向,以文獻分析和深度訪談法收集資料,然後以紮根理論分析資料,探討老嫁妝的意義,藉由詮釋洗穿化人員的工作經驗,瞭解老嫁妝在喪禮儀式中呈現的變遷,以及老嫁妝在社會體現中承載的意義變化。 In facing death, recognizable patterns can be observed in the past traditional society. Apart from increasing happiness and longevity, the purpose of Funeral Shroud (FS) also extends to the demonstration of filial piety. FS embodies not only cultural heritage, but also expectation for the descendant. Taking preparing FS for example, the requirement of all siblings, married daughter included, to share the cost symbolizes spreading blessing among the offspring. Connotative as a start or entering the death experience, preparation of funeral rituals generally takes place before decease. It might be commenced when death is anticipated happening soon; it could get underway further earlier by preparing FS which represents facing and preparing for death. However, does the tradition still exist in the modern society or bear the same meaning and importance? If FS conserved family system in the past, what is the contemporary status of FS in family system nowadays after the span of time and modernization? The research conducted a qualitative method by analyzing extensive literature, and gathering data of in-depth interviews. Grounded theory was applied for data analysis to discuss the meaning of FS. Lastly, through the perspectives of funeral specialists of mortuary beautician or cosmetologist alike, the research aimed to explore the historic presenting of FS in funeral ritual, and the meaning it makes in its social embodiment.