摘要: | 本研究旨在透過網路分析部落格文章內容,來瞭解遊客對竹山旅遊目地的意象及內心的體驗與感受。 先利用內容分析法及語義網絡分析法作質化的探討,再利用頻率分析、列聯表分析、相關分析、共詞分析、因素分析及多元尺度分析做量化統計,來探討旅遊目的地意象的元素與體驗價值,及彼此間的關聯性。 研究發現,竹山遊客以天梯、老街、紫南宮三大旅遊景點為主,且彼此缺乏正向關聯度。其中相關意象又可分成16個因素構面和3大旅遊區塊:戶外遊憩自然風光、老街歷史人文路線、親子老少體驗行程。 從部落客的感受中可以發現,除了爬天梯很累之外,仍有一些遊客可以感受到老建築的特色。至於遊客比較明顯的體驗有到紫南宮求發財金,去老街感染懷舊氣息、回憶兒時幸福,購買茶、筍、蕃薯當地農特產品及品嚐竹山老街古早味肉圓、米糕、捲仔粿等庶民小吃。 建議相關單位可挖掘並保留竹山因沒落而有幸自然留存的美,用真實念舊來定位竹山的旅遊意象發展觀光。並搭上減塑風潮強化竹意象,發展竹生活美學工藝,讓竹山如同花蓮鳳林、嘉義大林、苗栗南庄和三義ㄧ般,爭取義大利國際慢城認證,往慢遊慢城方向發展。 The study is trying to understand the tourism image of Zhushan and what tourists have experienced and how they felt after visiting Zhushan by analyzing blogs. At first, we use content analysis and semantic network-based system method to do qualitative research, and then use frequency analysis, co-words analysis, correlation analysis, cross-table analysis, factor analysis and MDS to do quantitative research. And then, we can discuss the factors and experiential value of tourism destination and how they are related to each other. The results of this study are as following: The three popular tourist attractions in Zhushan are Bamboo Sky Ladder (Bamboo Suspension Bridge), Old Street, Tzunan Temple. However, the three attractions don't have positive correlation with one another. About Tourism image, it can be divided into sixteen factors or three types including: outdoor recreation, historical and cultural, parent-child traveling. According to the bloggers, it's tiring to climb Bamboo Sky Ladder for tourists, however, some others can still indulge themselves with the old buildings in Zhushan. In addition, many tourists also like to pray for money at Tzunan Temple, feel nostalgic atmosphere in Zhushan Old Street, shop for local agricultural products like tea, bamboo, red yam and taste the traditional snacks like meat dumplings, rice tube puddings, steamed rice rolls and so on. According to the result, we suggest that the public sectors can spare no effort to preserve the beauty of Zhushan, and help develop the tourism in Zhushan by promoting its nostalgic image. The relevent sectors maybe can follow the plastic reduction policy to strengthen the image of bamboo, and develop the life aesthetics of bamboo to build Zhushan as a slowtown and see if Zhushan can be approved as a Cittaslow town by Cittaslow International just like Fonglin in Hualien, Dalin in Chiayi, Nanzhuang in Miaoli, and Sanyi in Miaoli. |