聊天機器人是一個可以對自然語言輸入做出回應的程式,並試圖以模仿真人的方式進行對話。聊天機器人可以應用於線上客服、娛樂、教育、個人助理和智慧問答等等種類。聊天機器人現在受到工商業界的關注,因為它們可以取代人類從事重複性極高的初階客服工作,並且可以同時處理多個客戶、24小時不間斷的工作,節省客戶服務中心的成本。 本研究建構一聊天機器人,以南華大學資管系學生為主要對象進行體驗及訪談,將訪談結果依方便性、易用性、實用性三個構面進行分析,從中找出潛在需求。 本研究根據訪談的結果,整理出用戶潛在的需求結果如下:(1) 設計人性化的對話內容;(2) 簡潔直觀的畫面設計;(3) 增加支援的社群軟體;(4) 改善聊天機器人的反應時間。 Chatbot is a computer program designed to simulate communication with human users. They are just not far along the conversation axis. It can be a designed conversational interface that is smooth and easy to use. It's a technology to respond to inquiries and handle simple requests, simulating human conversation with natural language processing. Chatbot can be applied to online customer service, entertainment, education, personal assistants and more. Many business owners are just beginning to understand what benefits chatbots can bring to them. Chatbot can helps to get rid of routine tasks, simultaneous processing of multiple requests from users, providing 24/7 uninterrupted coverage and reduce down on staff required. For this study, we made a chatbot. The students in Nashua University were been interviewed after they used this chatbot. The results of the interview are analyzed in terms of convenience, ease of use, and practicality. Based on the results of interviews, we summarize the most important things for the user as followings.- taps into exiting knowledge sources to include personal information in answers.- easy-to-use console.- ability to integrate with other social media platform.- Better response time.