摘要: | 土地公的信仰文化,自古到今相當的普及也親民化,廟宇遍佈在鄰里之間,信眾初二、十六的日子都會到廟宇祭祀一番,凝聚大家的向心力。生長於農村的我,從小就接受這樣子的文化薰陶,南投紫南宮每年信眾絡繹不絕,藉由整體行銷做探討廟方所做的策略。 廟宇的傳承與經營面對新舊文化的衝擊挑戰,更在廟宇文化相當的多元,在同質性的信仰神明上重疊性高,廟宇中彼此有競爭,廟宇的經營上需要更多的思維注入,許多廟宇溶入商業化經營的模式,提高廟宇的知名度,增加信徒。蒐集相關文獻資料中,對宇廟宇的整合行銷的概念融如廟宇的相關文獻與企劃相當有限,大多偏向企業經營或是媒體傳播上,在紫南宮行銷運作上的研究無相關研究,本研究希望透過個案研究的方式,分析南投紫南宮的整合行銷策略與運用手法,透過了解個案廟宇整合行銷的策略與經營方式,針對目前現況或困境提出改善的建議,讓個案廟宇可以永續經營,進而繁榮社區與地方經濟。 本研究以整合行銷概念為主軸,採用質性研究法,實地進入「竹山紫南宮」的社寮社區,透過參與觀察法、次級資料分析,以及深度訪談,了解「竹山紫南宮」的整合行銷模式,透過此個案的探討,創造創造廟宇、社區、信眾參贏的層面,藉由整合行銷策略能如何匯集廟宇與社區資源。 在未來展望方面,透過對子南宮的土地公的信仰永續經營下著手:具體作法如下,(一)規劃金雞文化園區(二)結合公仔文化配合事件行修銷(三)社區文化導覽(四)透過節慶規畫特色路跑活動。可將相關活動納入南投縣文化季系列活動,結合民間與政府搭配下創造更多的觀光人潮。 The belief culture of The Village Deity has been popularized since the ancient times, and the related temples are spread among the countryside. Many believers go together to the temples and pray to the God on the 2ed and 16th day of each month of Chinese Lunar calendar. Because author have growing up in the countryside, I'm used to this kind of custom. The Nantou Tzunan Temple (南投紫南宮, abb. NTT), also The Village Deity, has always packed with people during the Chinese New Year, and this special phenomenon initiates my research motivation to explorate the integrated marketing strategies of the temple. The new and old cultures meet that have challenged the management of the NTT. Around Taiwan, we worship the same Village Deity ,and lead thousands of The Village Deity temples to fight for the believers. In this seriously situation, each temple needs to considerate more creative strategies to survive. Many temples have integrated into the models of commercial operation to increase the visibility of temples and believers. In the collection of relevant literature, author finds that, in the past, the research papers of integrated marketing of temples are very few and research topics are quite limited. Most of them are biased towards business management or media communication research. There is not any relevant research on the marketing operation of NTT. Therefore, this study attempts to analyze and propose the integrated marketing strategies of NTT. Through understanding the strategies and management methods of the NTT's integration marketing strategies, the results of study hope to provide many useful suggestions for NTT to improve it's community images and local economy. The research methods of the study focuse on the strategies of integrated marketing adopted by the Jhushan Community (中寮社區) and NTT, including the methods of observations, secondary data analysis, and in-depth interviews. Finally, author inductived and provided four available and operational methods for the NTT to further it's future development, which are isted as follows: (1) planning the Jinji (金雞) Culture Park;(2) creating the doll culture and promoted by the event marketing;(3) community culture tours; (4) Planning features marathon festival. To sum up, the related activities can be incorporated into the Nantou County Cultural Season series activities, and combine with private enterprises and government units to create more tourist crowds and let the NTT continue to operate. |