摘要: | 隨著女性意識的崛起,性別平權漸而受到重視。而台灣亦受到這股潮流的影響,推行了兩性平等教育。然而,在實際的教育現場中卻暗藏著許多問題。其中包括行政執行面形式化的意味居多、配套措施不足等問題,不過最主要的,還是歸咎於教師本身的性別平等意識薄弱,才使得他們在教學表現上並不積極。為了要深入了解教師們為何忽視兩性平等教育的原因,透過對整個社會環境的解讀和教師成長背景的了解,將有助於找出兩性平等教育在教學現場一直被邊緣化的原因。 針對社會環境的解讀部分,筆者蒐集以往相關研究,發現社會上仍存在著性別不平等的現象,其中也包含學校教育。其次,教師認知方面,筆者從「性別角色」理論切入,發現個體性別角色概念的形成,乃是受到外在環境以及個體知覺的影響。而且,近幾年來,隨著環境變遷,傳統的性別角色概念已呈現出轉變的現象。對此,吾人可以發現性別角色概念並非一成不變,這也意味著隨著教師本身性別角色概念的不同,呈現在教學上的效果也因此而異。 筆者透過質性研究方式,針對A、B兩所國小,共十二位男、女教師進行深入訪談,希望透過對教師們成長背景(包括原生家庭、現在家庭以及工作職場)的了解,解讀成長背景究竟如何型塑他們的性別角色概念,並探討其對兩性平等教育教學的影響。經研究結果發現,教師的原生家庭、現在家庭以及工作職場,的確對他們性別角色概念的塑造產生重要的影響力。而且,隨著教師條件(包括性別、年齡以及所處環境等)的不同,形塑的過程亦有個別差異。同時,教師本身的性別角色概念,的確也影響到他們的教學。由此可見,兩性平等教育能否切實施行,除了需考量整個大環境的結構因素之外,還需要考量教師性別角色概念對兩性平等教育教學的影響力。 最後在結論部分,筆者針對研究結果,提出對兩性平等教育的反思與建議。 With woman's consciousness raising, people pay more attention to woman's rights and gender equality. Our government also follows this trend and builds a policy-Education for Gender Equality-to ensure all the people, whichever gender they are, have the right to education. However, there are a lot of difficulties in implementing, including nonsupport of the authorities in schools and insufficiency of resource and measures in reality. But the main will be the gender consciousness of teachers themselves, which dominates teachers' teaching principle and then affect the implementation of policy of Education for Gender Equality. Here we will analyze through two aspects, society and teacher’s background, to find out why gender consciousness will influence the implementation.First, by studying previous researches we could find that sexual discrimination existed in our society all the time, either in school. With time went by, circumstances changed, the concept of traditional gender role also transformed. Second, by analyzing teachers' identities through the theory of “gender role”, we could find that the outer environment and self consciousness will influence the development of the concept of gender role for individuals. Combined the above we will realize that the gender role is not consistent and with different views of gender role of teachers themselves, teachers' teaching performance will be affected. I interviewed twelve teachers (six men and six women) in A and B schools. Through talking with them, I try to find out how their background, including the family they grew and they have now, and their sex, age and environment shaped their concept of gender role; furthermore, how that concept dominated their teaching for gender-equal education. After analyzing, all the above factors proved to influence teachers' teaching. Therefore, in order to put the policy of Education for Gender Equality in practice, we need to consider not only the society structure but also teachers’ concept of gender role. At the end, I will report my suggestions and inspections to Education for Gender Equality. |