研究者以中部某縣第一年參加「資訊種子學校團隊發展計畫」的四所中小學為研究對象,想進一步瞭解四所學校資訊融入教育的實施現況、遭遇困難與因應對策。本文以深入訪談形式,對四所學校計畫主辦人、輔導教授、教育局承辦人做調查訪問,其中A、B、C三校是國中,D校是國小。 本研究旨在探討縣內四所資訊種子學校的資訊教育實施現況及困難因應,發現此計畫第一年的推展過程並不是很順利。會影響計畫推行的因素有很多,包含(一)教師資訊基本素養(二)正式資訊管理人員編制(三)領導者風格(四)教師同仁壓力(五)資訊融入的迷思(六)政策執行,每一個環節都可能影響整個計畫的執行,只是影響程度不一,每所學校狀況也不盡相同。 關於整個計畫實施現況部分,可以分為(一)計畫申請過程(二)硬體設備與資源(三)團隊運作模式(四)影響計畫執行因素(五)資訊融入在課程與教學上之成效(六)遭遇困難與心路歷程等六大面向來討論,針對學校計畫主辦人、輔導教授、教育局承辦人的看法,綜合結論如下: 一、資源分配有公平性的爭議。二、團隊組成過程大不同。三、對計畫內容瞭解不夠徹底,陷入資訊融入迷思。四、經費核撥延宕,造成學校積欠廠商貨款,也讓學校萌生退意。五、政策推行方面,教育局沒有善盡輔導監督之責。六、教師資訊基本素養會影響教師資訊融入教學的意願。七、領導者風格,影響學校整體資訊教育的發展甚廣。八、缺乏正式資訊管理人員編制,讓管理人員有做苦工的感覺。九、資訊融入的核心精神在課程與教學上的創新。 In this paper, the author exam the current condition of the Technology-Integrated Education in four schools (3 junior high schools and 1 elementary school) in Nantou County taking “The Project of Team Development of Information Seed Schools”. By in-depth interviewing of those sponsors, professors who assisting this project and key persons in charge of the Department of Education, we found that this project did not run smoothly in the first year. The factors affected implementations of this project are:1. Teachers’ capacity of technology2. Information administrator’s regular positions 3. The leadership of the Principal4. Peer pressure of teachers5. Myths of Technology-Integrated Education6. Policy of ImplementationIt was affect by different factors depending on the state of different schools which were not quite the same. In this paper we exam the current condition for this project from six different dimensions: 1. The application procedure of the project 2. Technology hardware and resources 3. The Mode of team work 4. The factors of executing the project 5. Effects upon courses and teaching of Technology-Integrated Education 6. Experience and progress of hardship or difficulty We get the following conclusions at the end:1. It is controversial about how the resources were justified distributed.2. The courses of team composition are completely distinct.3. Participants couldn’t realize the meaning of this plan and considering the Information Integration only.4. Delaying budget allotment makes participant schools delayed paying to supplier for almost 2 years. All schools will reconsider about future applicant of other projects. 5. The Department of Education does not supervise implementation of policy thoroughly.6. Teachers’ capacity of technology could influence the will to practice Technology-Integrated Education.7. The leadership of the director determined the special effects of technology education in the entire school.8. Short of official staff makes the information administrator feels strained.9. Innovation of course and teaching is the core issue of Technology-Integrated Education.