本研究旨在探討一位新住民之子在幼兒園學習適應的歷程。本研究採用質性取向之個案研究法,透過觀察、訪談及文件蒐集等方式蒐集資料,並以三角檢核法進行多元觀點的分析及歸納。研究發現為:一、個案的學習適應歷程可以分為三個階段。在初期,個案適應不良,常有負面情緒,上課時好動分心,與同儕極少互動。在中期,個案逐步適應學校環境,在語言表達上有進步,學習態度也較為主動,與同儕發展友誼。到了後期,個案對學校生活已適應良好,口語表達大有進步,與老師和同儕相處融洽,也能勇於發表想法,但學習意願較低,容易分心。二、藉由生態系統理論瞭解個案在幼兒園學習適應歷程中與周遭人事物的互動,發現個案的學習動機、與老師和同儕的互動和親師關係皆為影響個案學習適應的重要因素。三、幼兒園老師對於個案的輔導策略包含:提供關懷、加強個案對班上的參與感與從優勢能力出發、實施行為輔導、鼓勵同儕鷹架以及與家長形成合作夥伴。 The purpose of this study is to explore the learning and adaptability of a preschool child of an immigrant mother. Employing qualitative method, the data were collected from observation, interview and relevant documents. The major findings are: 1. This child’s adaptation and learning processes can be categorized into three phases. In the early phase, this child tended to have negative emotions. In the middle phase, this child gradually adjusted to the new environment. He greatly improved on his language skills and started to develop relationship with peers. However, his limited vocabulary resulted in reading difficulties. At the last phase, his communication skills improved. In addition, he has built harmonious relationship with peers and teachers. Although it was more often for him to share in a group discussion, he got distracted easily in classes and was not highly motivated. 2. Based on the ecological systems theory, it is found that important factors influencing this child’s school adjustment include learning motivation, communication and interaction with teachers and peers, as well as interaction between his parents and teachers. 3. The teacher helped this child feel involved, coach him appropriate behaviors and social skills and work together with the parents.