本研究以16 歲以上之音樂活動參與者為研究對象,探討這些音樂活動參與者在休閒涉入與心流體驗間之關係,以及休閒效益在兩者間所扮演的中介效果。本研究以文獻探討為基礎,根據文獻提出假設研究,利用問卷調查方式進行研究,共發放320份問卷,收回之有效問卷共計300份,回收率93.8%。接著本研究將以本研究將以SmartPLS 為研究分析工具,建立結構方程模式(SEM)。進一步將休閒效益在休閒涉入與心流體驗間之概念量化,期望藉由此研究,了解音樂活動參與者休閒涉入與心流體驗間之關係,並進一步了解休閒效益在兩者間所扮演的中介角色。研究結果發現,休閒涉入特質越明顯的音樂活動參與者其心流體驗程度越高,且休閒效益之程度也會越明顯。音樂活動參與者休閒效益的程度愈高,從活動所獲得的心流體驗相對愈強烈。再者,休閒涉入與心流體驗間之關係,經由休閒效益為部分中介效果,能與心流體驗有更顯著的正向關係,其意指音樂活動參與者的涉入情境愈高時,會增強其心流體驗之效果。本研究最後就結果進行討論,並提出相關之建議,以作為音樂活動參與者或其他相關性質活動日後經營及決策時之參考。 The study targeting music event participants at age of 16th or more, to investigate the relationship between leisure involvement and flow experience, as well as the intermediate effect of leisure benefits. Total 320 questionnaires were sent out to help the research, including 300 of which are valid, the rate of return is 93.8%. Smart PLS was used as research-analytical tool to help building Structure Equation Model (SEM). In addition, to quantify leisure benefits between leisure involvement and flow experience, the study wish to find out the relationship of music event participants between leisure involvement and flow experience, and to understand the intermediate role of leisure benefits. Based on the research results, it is found that music event participants with more leisure involvement have higher flow experience and more apparent leisure benefits. The higher the leisure benefits, the stronger flow experience participants can get from the event. Furthermore, through the intermediate effect of leisure benefits, it is apparent that leisure involvement is positively related to flow experience, which means when participants get more involved, the effect of flow experience will be strengthened. As a result, the study put forward suggestions based on the research findings to offer music event participants and other similar activities a reference on management strategies and policies.